OFR is riding to Old Town and some fancy lunch stop today. Guess I'll ride over to Magee Park in Carlsbad and join up for a partial ride with them and get in some rando miles too! Put on the new Dura Ace 7901 10 speed chain on the 9 sp SOMA yesterday. Just wiped it down on the outside. Let the "kosmoline coating" work for a day. Old Ultegra chain had stretched one full link full length OR 1/8" per foot! I'll check that out today. Weather is 55 degrees with overcast skies as I left the house. BIG rain arriving tomorrow (Friday) for a major dump. Need it to clear the skies, the roads and fill Lake Hodges.(Haven't been around there after the rain last week to check the water level).
Lumpy, bumpy Rose Creek Trail |
Easy riding over to Carlsbad under overcast skies. Saw one OFR'er riding south early as I stopped at the 7-Eleven on Oak St. for rando start receipt. Hooked up with a "Old Spokes" cycle guy on the way to Swami's. He got a late start today and missed his group on their ride south. Around 14 riders at the regroup, waiting around. I left early and had a slo-roll as I watched the big waves lashing Cardiff beaches. Gruppo soon caught up and we chatted up to Del Mar, where they took the "inner" route and I stayed on Coast Hwy. Soloed up Torrey at an amazing speed of 10 mph. Did a little out of the saddle work and was sucking wind. Hit the water fountain near the Torrey Practice Tee. Found a few golf balls and threw them back. Sat down on a big rock and ate a sandwich while waiting for the guys to arrive. Riders soon arrived, but missing two: John & Steve Ring. Later on Bruce went looking for them. Guess John's rear tire had a tube bubbling out and it finally blew! 20 minutes later, we finally left Torrey and continued down Rose Canyon.
Before tomorrow's rain storm, waves pound OB Pier |
Bruce led us through a new way to the Rose Creek Trail. Moderate advantage with safety. Stopped at De Anza Cove bathroom. Nearing Old Town, I left the group and headed west on the Ocean Beach Bike Path. I soon picked up 3 gals riding similar bikes. One gal had did something with RAW (Race Across The West) last year. We chatted till the OB Park, where I noticed a cyclist waiting on the bike path. Fenders, reflective vest, warmers, rear rack with trunk, etc. Rando Keith Olsen! Seems he got of work a little early and was waiting around for me. Rode together over to the 7-Eleven and then on to Dog Beach. Waves were pounding real good in advance of the rain storm tomorrow. I noticed the time was nearing 12:20 already! 4 hours into a 7 hour limit for this route and I was only half-way. Otta there!
Took the Sunset Cliffs bridge and looped around on the bike path before connecting up to Mission Bay Drive. Seemed to be a south wind pushing as I dodged the baby strollers on Rose Creek Path. Had a nice roll up Rose Canyon and Gilman at 19 mph with the tailwind. Turned through UCSD and chased two racers ahead. Still had the "push" up along the coast through Encinitas. No stop at Nytro this trip. Finished up at Carlsbad around 2:30.
Thought about stopping at COSTCO for a $1.49 Swirl Yogurt on the way to San Marcos. These suckers are huge and will definitely bloat you up. Nixed that idea after I thought about all the artery build-up to add to the plaque already there! He-he. Decent ride today. Blew off about 1-hour waiting around and had to push it back up the coast. The rando time frame is quite generous, but you need to be aware that the clock is ticking away!
Cloudy all day
Hi: 74 Lo: 56
104 miles
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