AAV's column jam muddy tank tunnel |
Freakin cold this morning. Local SM station reported 40 degrees, which means it's really 37 degrees here! Thought I would do some Ursa Minor recon work today. After bundling up good, I headed out northbound. Those long downhills were real "nippy" on my fingerless gloves. Around 0830 I was off the SLR and in to Oceanside. Looped around Harbor Dr. and decided to go through the parking lot instead of the little climb. Turned onto I-5 to a whole lotta heavy truck traffic. Bike lane seemed clean this trip. Stopped at the Rest Stop, to take off layers and fold them neatly away.
Las Pulgas was quiet as usual, as no riders spotted to hook up with. Had to wait at the tank tunnel, as a column of AAV's were coming thru. Noisy and throwing mud, they were followed by 2 smiling cyclists. I waited for the column to clear and made a mad dash through the muck. Saw a tall cyclists turning around and joined up with him. Of course, he had his earphone bud and didn't hear much. He set the fast pace and couldn't drop me as I rode beside him. After tiring him out, I pulled off into bathroom # 1 for a bottle refill and a chew.
20% downhill led to trail repair. HIB out! |
After Trestles Bike Path, I plugged in several .gpx routes I had made up to get down to the San Clemente Bike Trail along side the Beach. I hadn't been along there is a long time and forgot where the access point was. First one was San Mateo Point. Private gate there. Next up was the San Clemente State Beach access through the fence along Via Presidente. I rode around there for a while and chatted with a hybrid bike guy. He didn't know much but said I couldn't ride the trail on my "road bike". That was all it took and soon I followed by Garmin down a 20% grade to the tracks. Workers were repairing the trail and I noticed it went back up the hill! Huh? I turned around and ended up walking back up the 20%'er, since I couldn't get started on the sandy uphill. Back in the lot, I met a lady walking 2 Pit-Bull dogs. She told me about all the trails around here and advised me to go through the Park entrance and down to the main access point. I rode around a bit and then followed her advice.
Good start point for SC Beach Trail |
Ended up in the State Beach parking lot. Found the Beach Trail and took a few pics. Trail was busy so I plodded along with dog walkers and several hard-bodied joggers. Passed under the San Clemente Pier and soon I was at the AmTrak Station near Coast Hwy. (El Camino Real by 7-Eleven). Met up with another cyclists and we rode north through Doheny Beach Park. He parked his car up off Harbor Drive and soon said "good-bye". I soloed along Harbor Drive and up steep Cove Road. Turned left at the top and checked out the Pristine Habitat Trails. No bike allowed. Bummer. I turned around and soon hooked up with some trail that took me to Salt Creek Park overlooking the ocean. Several $10M dollar homes being built below.
Chatted with a old guy using a walker. Had a hip-replacement after his other replacement got infected. I was a old hand on broken hips so we talked about exercise. I mentioned that his wife was there to help him. He said that was his sister and her friend. He pointed out his wife by the railing. About 30 years younger and well dressed! WOW, it's sugar-daddy time. I rode north and got onto the Salt Creek Bike Trail through the golf course. Took a few pics and headed back the way I came. Headed east and finally ended up at a JIB for a break.
Salt Creek E-Trail overlooks new construction |
Had a 1/2 off coupon and used it. Sat outside by my bike to a peaceful break. Soon this skateboarder plopped down on the other side of my bike and started to play his guitar. Said he skateboarded up from San Diego and got dumped by his girlfriend. Slept in a dumpster that night. He finally got bored and departed saying: "Have a good the rest of your life"
Reversed course and ended taking the relaxing SC Beach Trail going south. After a little climbing, I was back on track through Trestles and the San Onofre Campground. Headwind all the way now. I did my usual stop at #1 for a refill. Decided on the I-5 route instead of my usual Camp Pendleton due to the headwind. Made good time despite the bad bike lane conditions. Seems the rain had soaked the joint between the concrete I-5 roadway and the asphalt bike lane. It broke apart and the lane was littered with pieces of asphalt. At times, I had to skirt the rumble strip. After the Rest Area, the bike lane improved and was clean again. Over the years, this seems normal, as they sweep SB from the Rest Area to Oceanside more often.
Quiet break till skateboarder sat down! |
Headed south along Coast Hwy. 101. Wanted to stop by Nytro to get the missing SRAM Quick-Links that were lacking when I bought my new chains last week. Sun was getting low in the west, so I decided to pass by and head inland via Loma Santa Fe. Feeling good, I amped it up a bit. I only had my rear blinkie with me and a hour of daylight left. Cutting off at Escondido through Harmony Grove I made good time back to San Marcos. Just about dark enough for a headlamp, I pulled into home right on cue.
Nice relaxing ride today. Recon's are like that. I did crank it up several times for a cardio workout. Took 55 pictures today with the new Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries. Looks like they do work better. They should for $2 each! Pics were of the SC Beach Trail and Salt Creek Path. Need to make a route that goes up that way.
High thin clouds
Hi: 62 Lo: 41
127 miles
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