Thursday, May 29, 2014

Coronado Express - R

Coronado Express rando route
Earlier this week had switched the new Hardshells off the SOMA for some well-used regular G'skins 28mm. Now this trip would try out the new Brooks Cambium saddle. My seatpost has only grooves for up/down adjustment, so never felt I got it "perfect". Quite comfortable as I rolled out from San Marcos before 6:30 AM. I started the actual route at the Oceanside Pier after 7:30, getting a receipt a the usual Circle K on Coast Hwy.

I was planning on meeting some OFR riders at Magee Park at 8:00 for the ride down. Nobody showed up! There were the regular guys at Poinsettia Lane: Dan, Bruce and his new recruit Tom, Troy and the senior rider, Alan. Arrived at Swami's around 8:30. I didn't stop too long there and kept going solo up to Torrey Pines regroup. Got some water at the golfers fountain, ate a banana and hit the porta potty. Noticed something in the parking lot. $5 folded bill lying there! Looks like a good day to me! Others finally arrived. Around 12 in the group, as we chatted and made our way down to the Broadway Ferry landing in San Diego. I did take the route straight past SPAWAR, while they ventured around through Old Towne.

Bruce Tipton bought all the tickets and we paid him back cash. Probably a business thing for him. Busy place around there with all the construction and fenced walkways. We went to get onto the 11:00 ferry and were told that they were already loaded full weight! Bummer. Only 4 of us bikers didn't make it on board. I told Bruce, Tom, new guy Tom that there was another ferry leaving in 20 minutes over behind the Convention Center. We rode over and waited a bit there before loading at 11:25 AM. It's a shorter trip over to Coronado from this spot. We arrived as the larger ferry was just leaving. The boys were meeting the group at the Burger Shack, so I said "adios" and hit the bike way around Coronado.

Great day at the Ferry Landing
Had a partial headwind riding down the strand on the Bayshore Bikeway. Passed a shirtless rider, struggling on a black Cannondale Niner MTB. Looked like the one that was stolen in December. Didn't slow to look over the details, but thought later I should have. Nice tailwind around the salt ponds, as the saddle felt much better by now. Long delay at the trolley crossing and road detour on Civic Center Dr. Finally made it to the JIB, where I used a $1-off coupon for a chocolate shake. Ahhhhh.

Took my usual off route on Main Street through Barrio Logan. This eliminates the bad, busy stretch of Harbor Drive by the shipyards. Crossed the bridge and picked up a big, fast commuter on a hybrid bike on Pacific Hwy. through downtown. Followed this guy, till he ran a few red lights. Side-wind around Mission Bay loaded with signs for Sundays Rock & Road Marathon. Stopped to talk to Robert Leone on the Rose Canyon Bike Path. He was taking pictures of a construction crew purely blocking the path. Made good time up through the campus and over to Torrey Pines.

New Brooks Cambium did OK today
Another big median construction project going down Torrey Pines. Instead of fixing the bike lane, they are making the center median pretty for tourists? Just great. A few cyclists were out riding up the coast. Didn't stop at Nytro this trip, but lumbered along up the coast. Finished up the route with a receipt from a gas station. Felt OK this ride. Saddle seemed to work out OK. Only paced up Torrey at 10mph. Heavy bike = pace-oh-rama. Took along 1 full tuna sandwich, 2 bananas, couple of bars and some sunflower butter on whole wheat crackers. Did get the shake at JIB and a few water refills along the way.

Cloudy early, clear in PM
Hi: 84, Lo: 61
103 miles +


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Coffee At Peet's Populaire

Coffee At Peet's route
After a few shortie "recovery" rides this last weekend, it's time for something longer with a stop at Nytro to pick up the Brooks Cambium saddle. Rode over to the 7-Eleven start point. Picked up Gretchen, Chuck's wife, from Pacific Cycles on Mission Road and rode a bit with her. Nice bike with Schmidt Dyno and Supernova front light. SOMA ride started after 7:00 AM and the weather was perfect under cloudy skies. Cleared up soon and I was feeling good throughout. Not many cyclists out after the Memorial Day weekend.

Found a wallet on the south end of Pacific St. before the turn. Never opened it, but it was stuffed full of cash. Sealed it in a baggie in my HB bag for later. Stopped by Pacific Cycles to window shop as usual. Great ride down the coast, where I stopped at Nytro. Gave Joe the sealed wallet and ask him to check it out and track down the owner, if possible... more on that in a later report. Picked up a few baggies of freebees and some small ampules of chain lube. These are great to take along on those long rides, just is case you hear some chain creak.

Found a wallet on Pacific Street. Joe will find the owner.
Stopped at Swami's for a tuna sandwich and a water break. Smooth riding down the coast with a slight tailwind. SR-56 Bike Path was easy riding with few cyclists and fewer joggers today. Short stop at the Camino Del Sur Circle K. Noticed all the burn areas on the ride toward Rancho Bernardo. Great dirt riding down there and home to many "Trail" Permanents. Clear skies as I rolled into San Marcos. Winds from the west, as normal.

Felt OK today on this "shortie".

Cloudy to sunny skies
Hi: 82    Lo: 61
82 miles


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Temecula 600 Pre-Ride: Racing the street sweeper!

SOMA Rando bike ready for some night work.
Prep: Well here we go again. After lung clearing for 3 days with a few local rides, I'm back for more. Weather in the desert has eased a bit by mid-week and it seems I can breath better now, so why not?

Changed the SOMA over to dyno-hub with Supernova front light, added the new Gatorskin Hardshell 28mm tires and strapped on the frame pump under the top tube. Also added rear blinkie to make a total of 3 this trip. Needed extra lights for the night time foray down to Barret Junction! Clothing worked out just right for this route: Woolie cap, sleeveless under-layer, jersey, arm warmers and long fingered liners under my regular fingerless riding gloves. PI jacket and leg warmers packed onto my front handlebar bag. No Garmin plot of this ride. Using it only for a clock and occasional temp check. Two large Camelbak bottles and a 16oz frozen bottle in the outside HB Bag pocket. Plenty of liquid for the high temps later.

I left San Marcos at 4 AM. John Mestemacher always thought the very early starts for some rides throws off your whole body because it breaks up your normal sleep cycle (unless you normally get up at 3 AM and go to work). The ride up was quiet and serene. I didn't huff and puff up the 1940 feet of climbing like last Saturday. Did the usual stop at Shawn Harrison Memorial at the top of Day Lilly Hill to pay my respects. Still need to put some permanent flowers at the cross.

Stopped at the Summit Store
Temecula: Started the ride after 0600, securing the proof of start from a Chevron on Rancho California Road
. Weather was nice with a light tailwind as I headed eastward up the rollers through vineyard country. A few steeper climbs after the turn on Mesa Road and then Benton over to Sage Road. No cones there for the INFO control question. Sage Rd. southbound is a whole lot easier than the other way we rode in the 400K in March. The few miles on Hwy. 79 over to Hwy. 371 was real dicey as usual. Never did like that stretch. Nice climbing with light tailwind through the hills, Oak Grove and up to Sunshine Summit at 3400 ft. Stopped at the store there and got some blue Gatorade to drink with my tuna sandwich I brought along. G'ade is too sweet for me, but that's all they had. Got a receipt there and took off the woolie cap, arm warmers and long gloves liners. Sat a few minutes on the table in the shade. Wind was blowing good by now and got a little chilly there, so I hit the head and rolled out to warmer temps in the sunny skies.

Desert: Great riding downhill to Warner Springs with a tailwind and light traffic. No receipt stop in Warner Springs anymore (not counting the golf club there) so I buzzed through and over to S2. Still nice riding here with the wind behind my back as I raced a street sweeper toward Teofulio Summit. That dude saw me coming and gassed it! Never did catch it on the San Felipe climbs, but the long fast downhill to Scissor Crossing sure was fun. Strong headwind section on Hwy. 78 before the quick turn on S-2 southward toward Ocotillo. I stopped at the Stagecoach Store. Got a Pepsi and ate my banana and last tuna sandwich. Chatted with the girl there and stretched out my legs on the picnic table. The have a big ice machine there and I got a few cupfuls of ice to fill my bottles. No charge.

Sweeney Pass view toward Butterfield Store
Stronger winds now as the desert heats up. Nice push southbound with the temps in the low 90's. Crawled up the Box Canyon climb before blasting down to the Butterfield Store. Strong side-winds blew me around in the corners and had to hit the brakes a few times for control. Went around back and rinsed my do-rag and wiped down my face. Told the store manager that a group would be riding through on Saturday! He said "great, need the business" How many? "Around 15 riders". (Never happened, they changed the route today to miss the "high temps and wind". Too bad, this is a great route.) Seems my lips were swollen up a bit from something I ate. Maybe that old Lemon-Lime Zyme electrolyte tab I put in my bottle a while back? Put on some Chapstick from my now empty tube.

Nice fast 20 mph riding down to Sweeney Pass, where I did OK on that climb. Knee was acting up so I added a shot of "Chinese Medicine: White Flower" and paced down to the Border Patrol Checkpoint. From there the road turns to crap. I've always ridden on the other side of the road here as it's a lot smoother! Through the Wind Farm, watching the direction the turbines are facing. All toward In-Ko-Pah Pass!. But I have a tailwind here? I'll take it. Finally, I get to the super rough road through Ocotillo. Stopped at the Chevron Station for a blow. I was feeling good at this point, having been riding at "touring pace" and saving up for what was ahead. Ahhh, the memories.

Ocotillo: The awful Texaco bathrooms here have been replaced by the Chevron 3 green porta-potties! Sitting in the shade by the side of Chevron, I watched the people and drank cool bottled water, pomegranate drink while chomping on whole wheat crackers with almond butter I brought along. The wind was howling over the fence and papers blowing around. Finally got up and dropped a load in the green building. Quite clean in there! Added some Chamois Creme to my butt and was ready to get hammered now.

Desert Tower at In-Koh-Pass. First sighting is 4 miles away.
In-Ko-Pah Pass: Continued on Imperial Hwy. over to Hwy. 98 with a strong side-wind. Turned right into the brunt of it and crept uphill onto the overpass to the I-8. Blunt force Oh-Rama here. Dropped a few gears as the climbing starts into the full headwind. About a mile up the climb saw a van with the hood up and a lady with 2 girls off sitting in the sand. Stopped and checked her out. Seems her car died and help was coming soon. Dropped another cog as the wind strengthened. Another car off the side with tire problem. Dude couldn't get the spare on. I gave him a hand, anything to stretch the legs. Wind died as it was blocked by some small hill along the road ahead. After the curve, really got hammered. I finally figured out a system: stop at each call box for 1 minute and stretch out, take a drink and out of the saddle when I started. Seemed to work OK. Another thing that came into effect was the 6:00 AM start. Shadows were creeping onto the roadway and I was riding into each one! Finally, I could see the rock tower up ahead at the pass! Ahhh, only 4 more miles to go! I was down to my 27 cog by then. In-Ko-Pah Road never looked so good! Stopped under the bridge in the shade to take a drink. A driver was also pulled over taking a nap! Lucky him.

CAT Excavator led the paceline!
Paceline To Jacumba: Old Highway 80 to Jacumba should be banned to cyclists. Rough-OH-Rama here. After
some climbing, it's all downhill to the market. NOT. Down the road was a full STOP for a 1 mile road construction. I talked to the flag guy and he said he was waiting for the 2 guys I just passed up the road to come back and drive the pilot truck!
10 minute wait...
Kelly:  "Are you kidding me? Give me a break, I'm the only person using the road for 10 miles!"
Flag Man: "I'll radio the 2 guys who drive the pilot truck"
Kelly: "Shit, they're a 1/2 mile up the road walking back."

Flag Man: "Where are you going?"
Kelly: "San Diego, then Newport Beach to Corona & Temecula"
Flag Man:"On that bike?"
Kelly:" Well, I sure the hell ain't walkin'. I need some help here."

Flag Man:"I call the boss again... this guy is logging some miles... Ahhh, OK, I can drive the pilot truck now"
Kelly:"Thanks man." I'm feeling better now that we are moving again."

So I follow the Flag Man in the 3 ton pilot truck filled with spilled fuel, tools, power tamper and lots of junk. But wait... A smoking water truck stuck in granny gear pulls in ahead to follow a giant CAT tracked excavator. We're  now rolling westward toward Jacumba at 4 mph: CAT Excavator, smoking water truck, diesel pilot truck and Soma! LET'S PARTY! After 5 minutes of riding the brakes I start to get a headache from all the smoke. I'm really drafting this polluted pace-line to Jacumba? Metal trench plates all over the road. I pulled off to the left side just to get some air. Fortunately, we only went a mile to Carrizo Gorge Road. Jacumba Mountain Sage Market never looked so good!

Welcome stop after the long, hot, windy climb.
Jacumba: Filled my water bottles with ice, grabbed a bottled drink, ice cream bar and sat outside in the sunny wind to clear my head. Two Border Patrol Officers were inside making up deli sandwiches. Legs up for circulation as a lady was screaming at her kids! After a shortie, hit the road for the windfest climb up to Terra del Sol Summit. I was really grinding by now and the un-rideable section near Boulevard had me way over in the roadway. Good thing for rear view mirrors!  Stopped at the summit to put on the rear blinkies, woolie cap and arm warmers. I also added the strong Dorcy helmet light John conjured up a while back. Real fast downhill under the trestle RR bridge and around the curves to the Campo Circle K.

Campo: Largest Circle K in San Diego. Counter guy there was from Ohio, now living in Tecate with his wife and newborn. Commutes every day. I sat inside eating a egg sandwich with hot chocolate. Dude said he wanted to take his Tecate wife back to Ohio. She'll like the winters there. Probably sat around too long putting on my leg warmers, jacket and other stuff. Most motorists were getting gas and a cup of "Joe". Rubbed my legs with some handy muscle rub mix. Just dark enough for the dyno light as I left quietly, the 3 rear blinkies reflecting off the street signs far behind.

I remembered this next section for previous rides. A few small climbs, curves, Potrero and  the massive downhill to Barrett Junction. We used to stop at the Potrero church for outside water before it was burned out. Thankful for the strong Supernova dyno light as I was blasting down the grades among passing cars. After the Tecate turnoff, traffic leased somewhat. I stopped near the Barrett Jct. restaurant to suck a gel and take a blow before the last real climb of the night... There is a small waterfall on the right as you are climbing up this hill. Most don't notice in the daytime either! The road then winds down through Dezura and the INS Checkpoint. The officer there said he had passed me earlier in the evening  over by Campo. Rear lights were super visible for a long way off! Nice to get to Otay Lakes Road and some easier riding with nil traffic.

Pio Pico Store. Good stop. My jacket zipper bailed on me here.
San Diego: Usual stop at the Pio Pico RV Store for some water. Nice stop here as the water fountain, benches, cola machines and overhead lights offer a small relief on the long rides. Jacket zipper came unhinged, so I fussed with that a while. Finally used my reflective belt to hold it together. Wasn't that cool anyway as I headed off at a zombie pace. Kept looking for the right turn to continue on Otay Lakes Road. Found it and soon turned off onto the Sweetwater Bike Path. Homeless abound there as several carts blocked the path. Familiar turn onto 2nd Ave past a closed Carl's Jr. Nothing much open along National City Blvd., so I turn onto Civic Center Dr. to a detour. I was tired of messing around and finally just went over to the Jack In The Box/AM/PM off 8th Ave. instead. This is our usual stop on the Coronado Express Permanent.

Got a hot chocolate and sat along side the building for a bit. Got a box cutter from the clerk and cut the top of the jacket zipper so I could re-insert the pull! Worked good and my jacket was back in working order. Seemed I took a nap too! Avoided Harbor Drive altogether by taking Roosevelt over to Main Street and the back way through Barrio Logan. It comes out near the bridge to downtown San Diego. I rode up and down Pacific Street looking for a Denny's. I thought for sure there was one along there somewhere in a old pink stucco retro building. Guess I was fuzzy headed, so I stopped at a downtown 7-Eleven for a egg sandwich on whole wheat and 2 bananas for a buck. Stretched my legs for a bit and napped on a bench before heading northward.

Coast Highway: It's nice to know the roads when you ride at night. Zero traffic in the early hours up through Mission Bay and Rose Canyon. You're always waiting for something to jump out from the bushes, especially when riding with lack of sleep. Paced slowed on the way up the coast, but the weather was nice with no fog this trip. Starting to get light out as I saw several commute riders through Encinitas. Daylight is by best friend and I was feeling more awake in Oceanside as I prepped for the ride up I-5.

Felt a little better riding along the I-5 traffic this trip. I often come this way on Permanents and then take the "inland" route through the camp back. A few more cyclists now as I proceeded up the bike route from Las Pulgas Road. Fire damage on both sides of the road as I neared bathroom #1 in San Onofre Campground. Looks like the wildfire jumped the tracks and raced to the ocean there. Stopped at the usual Carls Jr. in San Clemente for a drink. Managed a banana, but didn't feel like much else now. Nice leisurely pace up Hwy. 1. Traffic wasn't too bad for mid-week either. Made the final sit down stop at McDonalds in Newport Beach. My usual stopping place for Brevets and Permanents in lieu of Starbucks down the street. Got some yogurt and a pastry. Sat around a while, filled my bottles and headed for SART. Probably should have stopped for some lip balm from the same store we stopped at in 2011. Chris Hanson got some Chapstick at the Trading Post while riding with Joseph Mauer and I on the ill-fated Temecula 600 that year. We rode in shock after seeing the accident scene in Encinitas.

SART detour at Tustin Ave. Just follow signs.
SART: What a welcome relief from road riding. Nice push from the onshore winds all the way to Corona. I've ridden this enough to know the turns and didn't have to think much where I was going or push too hard. Rode with a few different cyclists as we watched the westbound riders fight the wind. Big detour at Tustin Ave. Followed the signs onto local streets and finally back on SART. From the park up to Green River Road was a mess with another long stop and construction delay. Some water truck was spraying the bike path and mud was running everywhere. I finally convinced the flag man to let me through, as a rider was already coming from the other way. Slog up to the Shell Station at the top. Got a Pomegranate Vitamin Water and Belvita Biscuts instead of the usual Chocolate Shake next door at JIB. Last water stop of the Brevet.

Corona: I really didn't want to ride through downtown Corona via the route, so I decided to follow the SB-400 route through (in reverse of course). That takes you straight on Green River Road instead of turning on Serfas Club Dr., etc. The Santa Rosa Plateau Permanent goes this way too. Great idea, huh? One climb after another. After turning onto Ontario Ave, it's one long climb. Here was a racer guy that kept passing me. He would just wait up ahead till I passed, then fly by me uphill. Nice guy! Normal heavy traffic under I-15 through the business areas. Traffic lessened on Temescal Canyon Road. Easy riding through here with a tailwind. Lake Street was real busy as the road narrows in spots. Those 2 climbs didn't seem so long this trip. Finally arrived at Lake Elsinore.

Finish: Long stretch on my least favorite road... Grand Ave. It's busy, sandy, rough and ill-marked. I thought I would never get to Clinton Keith (no turn for me on McVicar St.) Still a tailwind push along Washington St., through Murrieta and on to Temecula via Jefferson St. Average day traffic as I continued through Old Town, past the finish hotel and over to Hwy. 79 and a final stop at Carl's Jr. Since I was riding home, might as well just make one stop to finish the route and get something to eat. Big flag at Shell Station was straight out from the west.

First bite was great, downhill from there!
Post: After a non-tasty "Cod Sandwich" (too dry & too expensive), I headed out for the long ride home. Never did like this part too much. You concentrate on finishing the Brevet, and then if you hang around too long after, you're legs are cooked! I plodded up Rainbow Canyon climb, then still pedaled downhill as the  wind had shifted to the southwest now. Nice easy ride down Hwy. 395 by Nessy Burger @ 76. No way I was climbing up Day Lilly Hill, so I turned right and rode with traffic through Bonsall over to Vista Way, where I turned and followed the road through Vista and over to San Marcos. My butt hurt, lips were dried out but my legs felt OK as I pulled up to the garage. Was in my normal "zombie mode". Quite a couple of days. Now for some real sleep!

Partly cloudy to full sun
HI: 97
LO: 51
373 miles (route)
+61 miles (Ride-In & back)


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Temecula 600: Ride Up...

Hazy skies
Hi: 72 (Garmin)
Lo: 49 (Garmin)
64 miles
SOMA bike set-up for the ride-in to the Temecula 600
Rode up to Temecula for the start of the Temecula 600 "workers ride" yesterday. The regular Brevet was re-scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, but I got a "OK" to do the ride and some documentation. Left at 1:45 AM and then turned around back home to get my correct glasses! Nice start to the ride!

I took Deer Springs Road from San Marcos with no traffic. Encountered a ash rain at the top of 395 & Lilac Road & another small one after Rainbow near the County Line Sign. I covered my mouth with a wet rag I normally carry. I was sucking wind! It was quite warm on the ride-up, only a jersey and shorts required. I was wheezing pretty good too! Made my normal stop at the Shawn Harrison Memorial at Lilac Road and paid my respects.
I thought the fires were out or way west by now?

I rode around looking for Dave Horwitt before the 4:00 AM start time in Temecula.
Dave had stayed overnight there to be fresh for the ride and to not lose his prepaid room fee.
Told him I couldn't breathe properly for this ride and to carry on without me.
He said he would try it out and had his wife on "standby" at home. I passed along some water refuel spots for the route.
I turned around for home around 4:30. Rather cool now, so I stopped and put on gloves, arm warmers, woolie cap and leg warmers at our usual Seven-11 at Bedford Court.
Several "cold spots" along the way downhill. Also noticed the "ash rain" when I turned on my helmet light! Stopped near Nessey Burger & Hwy. 76. No way I was wheezing up that Day Lilly Hill climb again.
Took Hwy. 76 over to Bonsall. No cars for a change this early, so I felt mostly safe riding with 3 rear blnkies blazing. Stopped at Bonsall to suck some air and then rode over to Vista into some low level fog and much higher temps. Stripped down there and rode back to San Marcos under early morning sun. 64 mile round trip and 2300'. Felt good when I got home... but 1 hour later was dead tired! Go figure?
I might give 'er another go on Tuesday, we'll see how the air quality goes. I think the 3 days around smokey San Marcos before didn't help out much before-hand.
Haven't heard from Dave yet.
OUCH, that SOMA is heavy!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Temecula 600 -Rescheduled?

RBA, Dennis Stryker, has advised all riders that the Temecula 600 has been re-scheduled for May 24 & 25 due to high winds, excessive heat and brush fires in the area. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Today: San Marcos Fire picture of Coronado Hills
I have been given the "OK" by Dennis to ride the regular scheduled Temecula this Saturday, May 17-18. This will be classified as a "workers ride" and I already have the Brevet Card and will be taking a few photos and perhaps make a quickie "ride video" of the route.

Dave Horwitt may join in, as his motel reservations for the original scheduled ride were not re-fundable. Dave can ride for fun or rando credit, but at least he won't lose his room expense. I still plan to ride in and meet him at the start in Temecula at 4:00 AM on Saturday. We'll see what happens with the smoke and fires in the San Marcos area today and tomorrow. Maybe I can breathe easy again when it clears?


Monday, May 12, 2014

Crusin' The OC Permanent BONUS

Clear skies
163.8 miles
Hi: 106F (Garmin)
Lo: 47F (Garmin)
5346' climbing (Garmin)

Time to prep up for the Furnace 600 on Saturday, May 17.  AKA, the Temecula 600. Loaded the SOMA up with the dyno wheel, Supernova light, new attached seat bag (replacing the one ripped off with my C'dale MTB in December), triple rear blinkies and all sorts of other stuff to weigh it down! Wanted to get an early start to get in some night riding with lights. I figured I would start whenever I got up in the morning. Read myself to sleep around 10 PM reading the John Howard cycling book: "Pushing The Limits". Woke up at 3:00 AM and did my usual stuff. Left at 4:00 and rode to the Sprinter Station for a lift to Oceanside. NADA. Train never showed up! After 20 minutes, I rode over instead. Darn cold, even with the paper vest  and arm warmers/woolie cap. Poor prep. Next time some leg warmers! Huh, for 1 hour? Looks like lots of extra miles today.

Nothing cheap at the Oceanside Circle K anymore. They sold out of the 35 cent stuff and don't carry the tiny Reese cups either! That place is going to the dogs.Got some cheapo thing for a receipt and headed north on the I-5. Some how I blocked out the car noise as I rode along with a strong wind from the east.  Did a stop at bathroom #1 at the San Onofre Campground for water. No one around by Trestles except surfers. Stopped by Carl's Jr in San Clemente for a freebee water refill.

A few cyclists along the bikeway near Doheny Beach, light wind from the east here too and all the way up to Newport Beach. Got hit with the warm Santa Ana winds as I turned onto the Bayshore Bikeway riding east along the lagoon. Temps were up to 86F now. No wonder there were lots of riders heading westward! Only a few Asian ladies with children on the Peters Bike Path today. Wind and temps were both picking up as I plodded northeast, left the bike path and rode over to Jamboree. Trees were swaying over as I needed a lower chain-ring to make progress against the wind. Middle cog on the rear as I dodged blowing branches and dust at a whopping 8 mph. Finally reached the turn to the Orange control, amidst a shower from the wind blown sprinklers. Whew! Bought 2 Mineral Water for $2.50 at the top of the hill Chevron. Put one down and the other went in my ice filled bottle. Had my tuna/cheese sandwich with banana kicker as I stretched out my legs. Wind was howling from the NE, as trees were bent over in relief.

Santiago Canyon Road. Downhill with a tailwind! Wheee!
Started over to Santiago Canyon Road into a massive headwind. There was a roadie ahead on a tri-bike, but I was gaining on him. Also spotted a MTB guy as the road slowly turned southward. Now had a tailwind in cruise control. Chatted with this pro-type rider on a carbon Specialized 29'er. He was totally covered in white for sun protection, even his face with a mask. Not a bad idea today. Makes my sunscreen seem ineffective. He was telling me of his MTB races and I felt like I should be there too! Hot chick on a fast bike slowly passed us, but had a hard time on the rollers as we approached Cook's Corner. I gave the MTB guy a rando card and said "thanks" as he turned around. I opted for the Aliso Bike Path instead of the Oak Canyon climb in the heat.

I love this Bike Path... tailwind and downhill through the curves, trees and underpasses. Soon by a golf course and into Lake Forest Park. This is the ending route for the super tough rando route "Trail To Santiago Peak". Temps were moderating to mid 90's now as I left the Aliso Bike Path and rode past Laguna Hills High School. Soon I was over on another dirt path to the Mission Viejo Train Station. This route goes through the station over to Camino Capistrano. I followed that down to San Juan Capistrano with a nice tailwind. Still had a nice tailwind push in the big ring up through San Clemente and my last stop at Carl's Jr. for a chocolate shake. Had a coupon for $1 off this time! 15 minute break as I refilled by bottles with ice and sat down. Soon I was off with southbound with a strong tailwind! Nice!

Aliso Creek Bike Trail. Nice riding here to Mission Viejo
Cruised through the campground at 20 mph. Strong tailwinds always help. Stopped to ask the ranger what bathrooms would be open this weekend (Temecula 600, May 17-18). She said they would all be open because the campground is "opening" on May 16. Good news for a northbound nap. I turned left at Las Pulgas and rode back through Camp Pendleton. Longer but nice this trip with a tailwind. Temps were still in the mid 90's when I got my receipt at Circle K in Oceanside. I hopped over to the SLR and rode over to Vista, where I took South Santa Fe to Mission Blvd and back to San Marcos.

Felt good all day in the heat and wind. Head down, in the drops at 7mph for strong headwinds the middle of the route and a easy tailwind the last half of the Crusin' route. Not a bad day on the road and last training day for the Temecula 600 on Saturday.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainbow Prelude Permanent - PLUS

Partly Cloudy
Hi: 84F
Lo: 52F

Original Rainbow Prelude Route: Lots of extra miles today!
Time for a early start and some night riding. If I time it right, I'll hook up with the OFR Gruppo leaving Carlsbad Magee Park at 8:30. Put the Shimano Dyno wheel on the SOMA, added the Planet Bike Blinkie and off I went at 3:30 AM. Started the ride from the Prelude regular control stop in San Marcos. So at 04:00, I was on the route and heading for some climbing. Wore my RWB RUSA Jersey/ long sleeve layer under with a woolie cap over the ears and long fingered glove liners under my regular washed out fingerless gloves. Seemed to be just the clothing set up for today!

I don't ride up Old Castle Road anymore after a close brush a while back or I did Circle R instead. No traffic there this early, so riding was nice and quiet! I did sing a little as I listened to the early birds chirping away. Sure didn't set any records on the climbing and went to the 28T cog on the 14% Couser section. A nice downhill followed with the Supernova blazing ahead. Starting to get a little light around 5:00 now, so riding up Rice Canyon was just right. Rainbow Market wasn't open so I cruised past and headed down Hwy. 395. Crossed over I-15 and decided to follow 395 southward instead of the usual jog toward Fallbrook and the fast downhill on Green Canyon Road.

Nice downhill to Hwy. 76, where I turned off the Dyno hub at the stop light. Didn't feel too bad slogging up the long climb to Day Lilly Hill. I did my usual stop at the Shaun Harrison Memorial at Lilac Road. Decided to take Lilac over to Bonsall. Been a long while since I went this way. Stopped at MacDonalds for some Parfait Yogurt. NADA this early. Bummer for me. OK, I'll try some ice cream instead. NOPE! Got 3 CC cookies instead and sat down a bit. Exchanged by woolie for a do-rag and took off my liner gloves.

Nice riding on 76 with a slight tailwind. The ride on the SLR was nice, as only met 4 riders and didn't pass anyone. Benet street underpass was open to cyclists over to Oceanside. Got a receipt at the Circle K... cheapest thing they had were choclate Easter Eggs for 35 cents! Before 0800, so I decided to ride eastward to Bussey's Auto and check out Dan Phillips. I saved him a fresh CC cookie and we chatted a little as he opened up for business. Lots of cars on the road waiting for repair today. Several Camp Pendleton Security vehicles too. I left at 8:00 AM and headed down Coast Highway to Magee park in Carlsbad.

Shimano Dyno hub with Supernove E3 light
Hit the bathroom and ate a banana too! Dee Wells, Alan and Joe were waiting around by the little house, so we chatted and headed southward on Coast Highway at 8:30. Crazy Doug Levy joined up as we left Carlsbad. Met up with several other riders at Poinsettia Lane: Bruce Tipton, Dr. Dan Marks and Troy Buss. Nice little group for the ride to Swami's regroup. Three ladies and around 8 guys joined up there. I refueled as they decided where they were riding today. The Swami's bathrooms were closed up for repair, seems part of the roof fell down on the water fountain! Nice. The group had planned to ride south and around Qualcomm Stadium to the Bike Path northbound. Nice group of about 20 riders headed south around 9:30.

When we got to Solana Beach, Bruce had a flat and several riders waited around for him. I went back to chat as the others went on up Torrey Pines climb for a regroup. I saw that there were 6 riders "helping" Bruce change his flat, so I rode solo through Del Mar. Picked up a Torrey "repeat" rider on a Pinarello and rode with him up Torrey, passing the OFR Gruppo on the way up. Stopped at the water fountain and potty at the top, as the Pinarello rider headed down for another repeat climb! Whew!

Waited around a long time at the top, and chatted away with the gruppo, as they arrived at different times. Finally Bruce and helpers arrived and we were off. Gruppo stopped at Mission Bay for a bathroom break. Ladies room was closed, but the Mens was open! Did the Mission Bay Drive through traffic and hit Sea World Dr. before turning on Friars road. I mentioned to the riders not to use the nice looking bikeway along Friar's road. Several didn't take the hint and soon they were moaning and groaning on how rough it was and full of trash! Go figure.

Troy was ride leader and said he wanted to do the Bike Path through Mission Valley. I cut on the sidewalk and waited at the Bike Path. The rode in the street and never made the turn? I followed the Bike Path behind the busy mall and had to cross 2 streets to continue on the Path. Bummer for a nice bike path ride. I waited for the group and we turned onto Ward Road. Seems I was the only one who made the correct turn to Qualcomm and the bike path northward. Soon the other turned around and joined in for the ride along the fuel storage tanks.

Hard to find 28mm fold-able Hardshell G'skins
Nice path that leads to a road past Fry's and other businesses. Some young green shirted stud rider
passed us all before Aero Drive. I waived "adios" to the group, as they stopped for lunch at one of the shops... I kept going onto Murphy Canyon Road, past the Charger Training Field. ( OH, yes, I remembered that today was the NFL draft too!). I soon caught up to the green shirt rider and the race was on up the rollers! He followed me a while, but on a steep climb he dropped off real quick. I was pushing hard and started to feel it too! I don't know where he went, but I cut over to Kearny Villa Road and on to Black Mtn. Road. I was looking for a Carl's Jr.( for coupon use on deals) but didn't find one. I turned and stopped at an Arby's instead. Time for a shake and a stretch in the shade.

I proceeded up Black Mtn. Road to the SR-56 Bike Path. I cut over to the coast and went up to Nytro to see if my Brooks Cambium was there yet. Another NO on that. The local rep had one and was supposed to have dropped it by a week ago. So much for that. Picked up the route again on Del Dios Highway and looped over to Harmony Grove and up San Elijo Road. Nice downhill with traffic as I stopped at the Twin Oaks 7-Eleven for a piece of pizza to take home for Zaharah. All they had was one small, dried up little piece. I got a 3 pack of CC Cookies instead. So much for that. Cruised home and felt OK. After some recovery whey in Soy Milk and a nice lunch, I was dead tired. Took a shower and felt zonked out! Seems like my thighs are sore, maybe from the seat height or something. Another long day on the road... in fact, I set a new PR for this route today! How slow can you go?


Monday, May 5, 2014

Busted In Deluz Populaire- Shifter repair update.

Rebuilt 9-Speed Dura Ace Shifters and tools used
Riding the SOMA, after finally getting the rear wheel trued up well enough to keep it straight. Think I have to much tension on the drive side spokes, but we'll see.  Only geared bike I have that works, now that the Dura Ace shifter went south on the SL-1.

I had rebuilt the 7700C shifters with some parts I got off John Mestemacher shifters. They are not exactly the same, as his Dura Ace models doesn't have the "Flightdeck" module and wiring in there. Some parts are a lot different, even the rubber boots! I packed the gears and levers with my favorite tractor grease. When I road tested for function, there were real stiff and "sort of worked". I took them off and ripped into them again. I took them apart and this time I flushed out the grease and used a heavy chain oil instead. I brushed all the parts with that and poured some into the gears, which would lube the bearing set too. I also replace the small lever and spring with used parts for the other shifter. On the road test, they seemed to work much better and may even be "road worthy" again. More road testing required on this.

Tighten bearings with home-made 9mm wrench
Joe Morgan at Nytro said you can use a 10 speed Shimano shifter with a 9 speed cassette! Said it works fine? That may be an option, either a TT bar end 10- speed shifter, 10-speed brifters or bar ends? Those 9-speed Dura Ace Shifters first came out in 1997 and went through several mods until the 7800 10 speed models came out in 2004. Guess they had a good life already.

Replaced grease with "Chain-L" oil.
Instead of the regular DeLuz route, I thought I would do some add on miles and included the Circle R, Lilac Road, Couser climb and Rice Canyon in there too. Only saw one rider coming down Ride Canyon. He has the right idea. Nice weather and regular headwinds. Rode with a huge rider on the SLR Bike Path to Oceanside. Chatted a bit with him. He had a new Specialized carbon bike with all the goodies. Also a new Garmin 510, which he was trying to tell me had maps, but he had never loaded a route in there. Every time I mentioned something about the Garmin, he had already done it! This guy weighed 250 #, at least. Said he could loose the weight by riding. I mentioned life style changes and he said he likes his food too much. I suggested he needed more than good luck!

I'm climbing at 2 cogs lower now on this bike set up. Legs don't feel that good anyway. Must be the diet.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

University Loop plus Brifter Parts

University Loop Permanent
Wind ENE Gusting @20mph
HI: 97F
LO: 44F
This route visits several Universities in the San Diego area. Needed to get an early start to beat most of the real high temps and easterly Santa Ana winds the last 2 days. Same predicted for today. Left the San Marcos start at 4:00 AM and had a traffic free ride up to Bonsall. Temps started out at 53 F and my arm warmers were ample enough. By the turn onto Camino Del Rey, my Garmin registered a temp drop down to 44F, and it felt like it. I was cold so I added my paper vest between my NCCC jersey and my sleeveless underlayer. Bonsall McDonalds was open next to the AM/PM. Didn't know it opened this early.

Waiting for warmer temps westbound on Hwy. 76 to the SLR Bike Path and got them. More comfortable now as I cruised along the SLR toward Oceanside with a early weak Santa Ana tailwind. Benet Street SLR was open so I rode all the way to Harbor Drive, where I used the bathroom for a needed stop. Very few riders out this early as I cruised past the Oceanside Pier and southward to Carlsbad. The new round-about is looking better and there was no southbound detour this early. Sun was coming up now as I used the side wind through Encinita and Solana Beach.

Handing out SD Rando Cards today.
Hooked up with a commuter rider near Encinitas and rode with him to Carmel Valley Road. He works near UTC and seemed a nice talkative guy who likes to ride. Gave him a rando card and supplied info. Rode solo up Torrey Pines at a whopping 10mph. Riding the SOMA rando bike with some deeper dish Velomax wheels. The hubs are great, but still miss the softer riding Open Pro Rims  and Gatorskin Hardshells. Winds were picking up after Torrey Pines as I met lots of UCSD riders going to class. Took a jaunt over to Dog Beach to check things out before heading to SDSU. They should call it "Sand Beach" as sand was over the bike path, roads and parking lots near the beach. Took Friars and pickup the regular route. Montezuma Road was a slog up, with the increasing temps and headwind there. Short stop before turning around with a tailwind.

Johns broken shifters for parts?
The ride back wasn't too bad, as I met a commuter guy riding a burnt orange Douglas cross bike. Sounded like a heavy Aussie accent to me. Rode with him up to Green Hospital, where he works. Gave him a rando card and said "adios". Ride up the coast was marked by high sidewinds and few bikers. Every  where the area was open like by the lagoons, the wind was howling real good! No stop at Nytro this trip as I was meeting John at his workplace: Air Products around noon. Turned eastward at Palomar Airport Road and stopped at COSTCO. Long time since I've been there and the usual long line at 11:30 AM. I got my usual "Swirl Yogurt" and sat on the ground against a shady wall. Rolled into Air Products a little after high noon. Paged John and chatted with him under the shade tree at their tables. Also picked up his broken D/A shifters, which I hope to get some parts from to fix mine After sitting around for 30 minutes, I knew my legs would be shot. Felt good climbing into the hot headwinds up the 3 climbs to San Marcos. The last climb, my head felt a little "whacko", but I continued on. Finished up the ride with some chocolate chip cookies for the wife at home.

Not a bad hot, windy day ride. Felt OK the whole day, probably a little dehydrated too. Too cold in the early morning up around Bonsall. Need to dress different next time. Overall nearly 55 degree temp jump in 5 hours today! Brutal on the body!
