Monday, March 12, 2018

9-City Gravel Recon

New Rando Route called: "9-City Gravel"
Been working on this new "gravel" rando route for some time and never really got all the footage and images together for a route video. With a few days break in the rain showers over the last few weeks, today was it.

This rando route was designed to start in North County at Ralph's in San Marcos. After further mods and reviews, I changed the start location over to Albertsons store on Woodland Pkwy to meet RUSA distance specs. Not as good of start location with the extra road traffic to get to the first gravel section.

Left after 0900 and rode over to the Mulberry 7-Eleven. Chatted with pseudo-randonneur owner Najib. Talked about his sore back and lack of cycling. Finally made my way over to the Albertsons start before 10:00.

Rolled the video and still pics as I made my way to Lakeview Park (Discovery Lake) for the first gravel section. Managed to pick up some bushes as I picked a new line down to the first gravel path. OK, take#2 on that video entry. Went back and re-rode with cameras rolling again. Perhaps this was a omen for the day?

Guard Shack INFO Control. Trail starts just behind shack.
Around mile 11, decided to swing by my buddy John Mestemacher's house and see what was up. Persuaded him to ride along today, taking a break from his "work from home effort". Chatted wit his wife Gabbie while John was getting ready. He'd ride his Charge "Cooker" steel MTB today. Matching my Scott Scale 710 hard-tail.

Route videos are much better when you can capture riders ahead following the route. Such was the case as we made our way over to Swami's on the coast. Low clouds meant lo-quality images today. Didn't spend much time at the Coast To Crest Trail Mc'Donald's for sure as the sun was out full force now. Los Penasquitos Canyon South Trail was muddy in places, but we managed to use the single-trak trails around these spots. Met only a hand-full of hikers today and no bikers!

ECTConservancy Jeff Swenerton & Rando John on Trail
Short break on the route at Circle K, where John grabbed a drink and I a IC Sandwich. More trails followed, including some single trak, which was is near dry condition. Took a few snaps and chatted with the Security Guards at the "Guard Shack" INFO Control around mile 55. Just after entering Escondido Creek Trail, met ECTConservancy volunteer Jeff Swenerton. He chatted with us on the Conservancy purpose and handed us some information.

Slow slog up Questhaven and said our goodbyes at the top of Twin Oaks, as John was heading home from there. After the 35mph plunge down Twin Oaks Valley Road and a peaceful ride thru CSUSM Campus, I was finished for the day. Now for long hours putting together a informational route video.

- randorides

9-City Gravel Video