Saturday, December 8, 2018

Year End With December BANG Finale

Another good year for rando rides in SoCal...2018.

A small glitch starting December, as RUSA wouldn't wouldn't accept any Permanent results (Dec.
1-7) until they had a new insurance company on board for Permanent Routes. My rides for this week were for non-rando credit, but OK-fun just the same. Seems the accident/death during an event in Texas started the lawsuit/waiver/liability issue of riding RUSA events.

With new RUSA Permanent insurance active on Dec. 8, it was looking to be a busy time for riding again to finish out the year. Ahhhh, I thought so... but you can't count on anything for sure and of course early this Saturday morning on the way to a Permanent start, I was taken out by a homeless/transient dude with a kick to my handlebar as I was riding in the bike lane!

Left Scapula Fractures
Not to go into detail (ongoing case on file with Sheriffs Dept.), but FIVE (5) is the non-magic number here. The number of fractures I sustained. Scapula & ribs. Short ambulance trip over to Palomar Medical Center in Escondido, normal ER stuff, X-Rays, CAT-SCAN and lying around with a neck brace and a bunch of bandages.

Finally, enough tests done, I hobbled home. Nothing to do about the fractures but let them heal best they can. No need for a cast, slings or ACE wraps this time.

Legs were OK (few cuts, abrasions), so I managed to set up the stationary trainer in the garage. Step-stool and all in place, it was off to the races going nowhere. Crank-er up time. After a few days of this, it was back to easy road riding again... (Dr. said wait 11 weeks for riding again) Ya, OK..something like that.

Doesn't look like the year will end with what I had planned, but often times we must just "motor-on".

- randorides