Coffee At Peet's route |
After a few shortie "recovery" rides this last weekend, it's time for something longer with a stop at Nytro to pick up the Brooks Cambium saddle. Rode over to the 7-Eleven start point. Picked up Gretchen, Chuck's wife, from Pacific Cycles on Mission Road and rode a bit with her. Nice bike with Schmidt Dyno and Supernova front light. SOMA ride started after 7:00 AM and the weather was perfect under cloudy skies. Cleared up soon and I was feeling good throughout. Not many cyclists out after the Memorial Day weekend.
Found a wallet on the south end of Pacific St. before the turn. Never opened it, but it was stuffed full of cash. Sealed it in a baggie in my HB bag for later. Stopped by Pacific Cycles to window shop as usual. Great ride down the coast, where I stopped at Nytro. Gave Joe the sealed wallet and ask him to check it out and track down the owner, if possible... more on that in a later report. Picked up a few baggies of freebees and some small ampules of chain lube. These are great to take along on those long rides, just is case you hear some chain creak.
Found a wallet on Pacific Street. Joe will find the owner. |
Stopped at Swami's for a tuna sandwich and a water break. Smooth riding down the coast with a slight tailwind. SR-56 Bike Path was easy riding with few cyclists and fewer joggers today. Short stop at the Camino Del Sur Circle K. Noticed all the burn areas on the ride toward Rancho Bernardo. Great dirt riding down there and home to many "Trail" Permanents. Clear skies as I rolled into San Marcos. Winds from the west, as normal.
Felt OK today on this "shortie".
Cloudy to sunny skies
Hi: 82 Lo: 61
82 miles
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