Garmin stats from NOW route today. |
Left the house at 0630 to catch the Sprinter train over to Coast Highway this morning. Report said it was a little cool out, so I donned knee warmers, long under-layer and wool SD Rando jersey. Topped it off with the woolie cap to cover my ears. Train was packed with bikes. Had to carefully "strap-on" to a MTB with my tube strip. Got off at Coast Hwy. station and did a 6 minute sprint down to the Carlsbad 7-Eleven start. Arrived at 0731!
Dan Phillips, Michigan George and Bill Stevenson (back from Thailand cycling) were there, riding in from Oceanside. Dave D. parked down the highway and rode up. Phil was there and Keith Olsen started in Ocean Beach. His route was half-over already. Rolled out at 0735 and headed south. Weather was overcast and a little breezy. Seas looked stormy. Keith needed a extra tube, so a few of us stopped at Nytro in Encinitas. They open early on Saturdays for their organized ride. Picked up Steve Schechter there and all regrouped at Swami's. Mac Imacsengg joined up there.
NOW gruppo at Swami's Park |
Chit-chat ride up Torrey Pines, where we regrouped and had free bananas. Filled our bottles and sped down Rose Canyon. Decided on the Rose Creek Trail and stopped at a DeAnza Cove bathroom. Keith led out down to the OB Bike Path and on to the 7-Eleven control/turn around. Dave's buddy, Carl joined up there. Hung around a few minutes while George & Dave finished off their sandwiches. Rode over to Dog Beach. Keith finished the route there and rode home, his riding over for the day!
Dog Beach "Paw" |
Group took the bridge and followed the old Sea World Drive Path. Cut off and took a bike path before connection with Mission Bay Drive again. Rose Creek next and Mac led a 17 mph pace up Rose Canyon. We passed a rider walking his bike. I pulled off as the group continued. Indian rider had a pinch flat on his rear G'skin. Rear derailleur didn't work right. No pump or cartridges. He was planning on stopping at Wheelsmith Bike Shop (They closed last month.) I offered some help. Helped him pull the wheel and change the tube. Dan Phillips rode back to check things out. Dan gave a few derailleur tips. Rider returned back down Santa Fe to his car. Dan led out a fast pace to catch the group. My legs were dead from standing around for 30 minutes.
Packin' out of Rose Creek Bike Path |
Dan was pulling hard as a big racer guy jumped us at a Torrey red light. Dan picked up speed by riding the top tube down Torrey. I lost aero contact, but rejoined at the Carmel Valley Road red light. Big racer guy was there. We 'nuked" him on the Del Mar climb. He goes downhill fast, so we drafted him to Solana Beach. Mac waited for us and said "adios". He turned east there and headed home. Dan led out and we caught the racer guy again. He pulled us to Encinitas, where we rejoined the group again. Seemed they took a short break at Swami's. Good thing.
Dan gives tips to Indian cyclist |
New guy Dave, led most of the way back to Carlsbad 7-Eleven. He was feeling good and was looking for extra mileage for a 100 mile day. Bill was riding good at the end, as was Phil and Michigan grandfather George. My legs recovered somewhat and I was feeling better. After check-in, Dan and Bill rode over to Jefferson St. and back to O'side. I rode with George northward to his turn-off. Hopped the 1:36 Sprinter Train back to San Marcos. Not many bikes on this one, but lots of strollers! At the San Marcos Civic Center Station, rode north under blistery skies. Mixed a recovery drink with Silk Milk and called it a day.
Nice group for this ride. Only a 2-day notice and not posted on the SDrando blog either. Sun started to peek through at Dog Beach. Overcast and looked threatening after that. Long sleeve under-layer worked just right today. Good to chat with the guys. Not many hard-bodies on the beach today. Looks like I'll ride recon on Monday and maybe Wednesday with OFR to Bens place? Maybe planning something north next Saturday (Dec. 27)?
Video of this route can be seen at:
Overcast most of the day
Hi: 65 Lo: 51
67 miles
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