Smashed car on Old River Road |
Local temp warm up around here the last few days. Looks like a nice easy day in the saddle catching up on a few video shots for stock footage. Had the GoPro 2 on the handlebars and my trusty Canon 1100 around my neck. Left San Marcos before 0700 and headed up Twin Oaks Road. Decided I would chance Deer Springs Rd. this Saturday morning. Nil traffic as I started the last part of the climb. Several riders passed before the upper guardrail, but I held my pace instead of tagging along. Would see them later on as they pressed up Mountain Meadows climb and I turned down Champagne Blvd. Stopped for a few vintage photos and several GoPro clips before stopping off at the Bonsall McD's.
I'm following the traditional Bike Path X Two route today. After a water refill, I headed back across Hwy. 76 onto Old River Road. Met the same cyclists that passed be earlier before I turned off onto the Old Bonsall Bridge. Camera running, I climbed up Holly Lane and made my way over to Old River Road via the dirty road. Only lite traffic now as I slowed for some photos of a car accident roadside. Groups of cyclists out today. Most were turning up Sleeping Indian climb! Made my way over to College and the SLR. Stopped at Mance Buchanon Park for a short relief and a drink before jumping on the SLR to Oceanside.
Another busy day at Nytro Multisports |
Bike Path was real busy this morning. Tip-top TT riders in their mega-buck rigs were smokin' it up! Exiting the SLR, I followed the original route slip and swung by the Surfrider Chevron. Purely empty. Randos usually don't stop here anymore due to the rudeness of the staff, PLUS no cheap "proof of passage" stuff either. Stopped by the O'side Pier for the usual photo op, before making my way to Magee Park. That church always has something going on and today was no exception. Also there was the Saturday dog training session going on. Yes.. good time for some photos too!
Hooked up with a hard body and her friend as I rode along the coast toward Encinitas. Rolled the video as SDBC riders blew through stop signs and red lights. Real nice examples. Stopped off at Nytro for a water refill. Place was packed and the chairs outside were filled up with the Filipino Flyers cyclists. Next stop was Swami's Park for live music. Used both the Canon and GoPro to catch the mood before pacing south with a stop at Cardiff Beach. Nice clear blue-sky day as several swimmers were wading across the lagoon inlet against the rising tidal flow. I stopped to check out the GoPro mount on the bars. Seemed a little wobbly to me. YEP! Mount broke off. So much for quality* At least it didn't end up on the road!
Water fun at Del Mar Dog Beach |
I packed away the GoPro in my HB bag and continued on to the paddle-boarders down the coast. Big-ringed it up to Del Mar in a small cog, just like Jimbo does! Mmmm.. easy enough... might be the way to go? Cut off onto Carmel Valley Road and a photo shot at the 7-Eleven Control at El Camino Real. Followed a rider onto the SR-56 Bike Path and stayed with him to Camino Del Sur. He is a chiropractor guy and was out with his buddy for a ride. Only thing was, his Colnago buddy had a triple flat and went home. Nice chatting as we parted ways. Then hooked up with a SDBC Colnago rider up to Black Mtn. Road. I continued on straight to Sabre Springs and followed the route along Poway Road to the 7-Eleven Control there. Heck of a lot of traffic into Poway today.
Went off route and rode straight east on Poway Road to the Best Western Motel. That is where the SDrandos main hub is for the Brevet Week rides. (Finishing up this weekend). Massive traffic as I picked up a IC Sandwich at the next 7-Eleven and made my way over to a nice park by Mt. Olive Lutheran Church. Sat in the shade on a picnic table and finished off the ice cream.
Quiet at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church park |
Next up was some climbing up to Esploa Road as I made my long way back on route. Temps were in the high 80's by now but I felt just right in my wool SDrando jersey. Stopped along Pomerado Road to add some Chamois Creme to my sore ass. Seems the old short pads slip around and don't cover the saddle much anymore. That did the trick. Made the turn across the Lake Hodges Pedistrian Bridge and around under I-15. Did make a last stop for the day at Mule Hill Chevron for some Vitamin Water. Pricy, but tasted real good today.
Followed the route up Bear Valley and turned off onto Sunset. Juniper St. was real quiet and offered some nice photo shots. Lite traffic thru Escondido on Broadway up to Jesemond Dene. Still some cyclists around as I ran some video on the JD climb. Turned off at Deer Springs and made my way back to San Marcos. Good warm day on the bike.
View route video.
GoPro handlebar bracket broke off! |
* (When I got home I researched this online and found that this breakage
was a common feature for GoPro's HB mount. Several metal options are
available for $$.)
Clear skies all day
Hi: 88 Lo: 56
Wind: W-9mph
103 miles
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