Sparkly spoke reflection on SOMA @ 0500. |
My plan today was to ride the Hemet 202.. You know the route... San Marcos up to Temecula, back way over to De Portola Road and then catch Sage Road up to Hemet. That's why I left home early and started at the mid San Marcos town AM/PM. Supposed to be slightly cooler today after days in the 90's around here.
No traffic to bother as I crossed under Hwy.78 and passed Palomar College eastbound. Nice ride up old Historic Hwy. 395 as the sun was starting to color the eastern horizon. With a new GoPro mount in place and my trusty Canon 1100 around my neck, it looked to be a perfect day for some video action. I was feeling good as I swooped down Champagne Blvd and past the Castle Creek Golf Course. In an instant, I changed my mind turning left on Camino Del Rey and on to Bonsall. I had an idea on the proposed ride out to Arizona. Needed to stop by and see Dan Phillips at his Bussey's Auto in Oceanside first.
Dan at Bussey's Auto in O'side. |
Finished off the SLR Bike Path and took the Canyon Dr. climb over to Bussey's off Mission Road near downtown Oceanside. Dan was recovering from a bad cold or flu for the last week. He showed me his little video he made up and was interested in doing more action stuff on his moto and bike in the near future. I'd send him over the app I use to do my videos with: ProShow Gold. That works really good after many attempts with other software. I laid out my plan for the AZ ride and Dan seemed positive but didn't think he was up to it now. Nice try anyway! I hung around a while and finally left for the trip southward along the coast. Next up was a stop at Nytro to check with Joe on the AZ planning. A few weeks back he seemed interested, so I'd run it by him.
Playing the blues at Swami's |
Riding thru Carlsbad, I came up on a rider who looked familiar. Jeff said he met me last year down in San Diego and remembered my riding style. He was an ex-roofer and works at the Palomar Airport Road Dog Shelter. He is also remodeling a house to keep busy. We had a nice chat-ride all the way to Encinitas, where he turned off. I pulled into Nytro for some fresh water in my bottle. Joe was busy on the computer, putting together some big bike deal, so I chatted around, sat outside with my paltry banana and finally hit the road. No AZ trip discussion today. Looks like another solo shot for me in a week or two. Made a short stop at Swami's, where some older dude was trying to play blues on his trumpet. Took a short video of that for the archives.
Road south with nothing particular in mind. Ended up down near SDSU with a stop at the Ward Rd. 7-Eleven. Reversed course and went back up the coast with a nice tailwind to Olivehain and finally along Rancho Santa Fe. Decided to make the big climb up Elfin Forest Rd as the temps were getting hot now. Thanked a skateboarder mid-climb for pushing the crossing button which gave me a red light to suck some air down. Temp was near 88 on the Garmin now. Made the top by grinding out the 34T ring. Nice video with the GoPro of the 51 mph downhill into San Marcos with no cars passing this time. Stopped by Ralph's Store across from CSUSM. Always put my bike inside there. Picked up some on sale Powerbar Blasts... 4x$5 and a few Promax Lemon Bars 4x$5 with a Ralph's Card. Missed a great savings by leaving some Powerbar coupons at home.. DRAT! Good day on the bike.
51 mph downhill into San Marcos |
Partly cloudy
Hi: 88 Lo: 56
Wind: SW-10
126 miles
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