Garmin Stats from the training ride today. |
Mike Shaw rode in from Oceanside via Champagne Blvd climb. HP hard core guy who is ramping up for his retirement later this year. Dan Phillips rode in from Oceanside, but not before stopping off with his buddy Bill Stevenson for a load up at Denny's first. Bill would miss our ride, but was riding with another group today. Dan took the route in through Vista. Ben came in with his buddy Jeff from Carlsbad. Keith & Dave both drove in as they live far south. I made the ride in from my house just a few miles away! Arm warmers, paper vest and woolie cap. They were all to come off at La Costa.
Most of the riders were amped up after the Rainbow 200 last week. Lots of chit-chat as we worked our way towards the first Control at La Costa. Picked up a small group of riders in like-jerseys on the Rancho Santa Fe climb. Some high speed work on La Costa Ave before stopping off at our favorite Circle K. 39 cents for a control receipt, fill the bottles with ice and 12 minutes later we were on our way to the coast.
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Do-Dah looking at water on San Luis Rey Bike Path. |
Dave D. and Mike Shaw went straight past Bonsall for no-water break. The rest of us stopped. Somewhere on the SLR we had lost Steve Schechter. Never saw him after that. Troy Buss joined us for real there. He rode the route in from Poinsettia Lane along the coast and SLR. There were also a few NCCC riders hanging around from their club ride today. We loaded up our bottles and were soon on our way chasing Dave and Mike.
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Tree lined Live Oak Park Road near Fallbrook |
Ate some carry-along almond butter on ww crackers. Topped if off with a Pro-Max bar. Filled my bottles with water/ice and hung around for 15 minutes. Troy snatched a big sandwich, leaving the crust untouched. Dan opted for some chips while Keith was stretching out on the sidewalk chatting with some well-weathered chick. About 15 minutes and we were waiting for what the winds had in store for us on the Rancho California climb. Keith left ahead to get a run on the climbing ahead.
No wind climbing Rancho California Road today! |
Dan Phillips led out at a breakneck speed down along the Santa Margarita River with the "Chinese Medicine" in full effect. Some more great riding through here with tree lined roads. Dave led out on the nasty 8% climb up to Fallbrook via DeLuz Road while Dan was having hammy crampitis. Mike was sighed ahead. We were finally all back together again in Fallbrook getting ready for a few miles of easy riding downhill to Bonsall. Heller's Bend is a nice relief from the traffic on Mission Road nearby. Pulled into Mickie D's in Bonsall. Keith followed-in a short time later. We were in ice cream sundae mode!
SORRY! No ice cream. Machine broke...again. I opted for the Parfait Yogurt instead. Unfortunately, there was only about 2 spoonfuls in the cup. Gave Dan some vitamin B-6 for his tight hamstring. He was also trying to fix his O-rings in his CO2 inflator. Dave gave him his to use till he got home later. That's what randonneuring is all about! Keith dumped his jersey contents out on the table and was massaging his legs. 15 minutes later we were heading out for the last headwind and climbing of the day. Troy took the SLR back to the coast and home.
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Start and Finish at San Marcos Albertson's |
Group kept together to the end. I slightly missed the Woodland Pkwy turn and we had to use the light button. Downhill specialist Keith amped it up to 22mph back to Albertson's. After the Control receipt, we chatted a bit in the parking lot about upcoming rides. Still plenty of light left at 4 PM as Mike was riding back to Oceanside via Champagne for some real miles today. I rode with Dan a few miles on his route back to Oceanside, before turning off for home.
Thanks to the riders who joined up today: Dave Danovsky, Kelly Deboer, Ben Hian, Keith Olsen, Mike Shaw, Troy Buss, Dan Phillips, Steve Schechter and Jeff (Bens buddy)
Regular Sandia Creek Century Video
Clear skies
Hi: 93 Lo: 59 (Garmin)
Wind: NE to 25 mph
98 miles
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