Open Pro wheel in Park Truing Stand |
Needed to head over to Nytro Shop today to pick up a few things, so this route was made just for that. By the time I finished up the computer things and got ready, it was 0900! I felt tired already! Pulled the rear Open Pro wheel off the SOMA, dropped the cassette off and needed to check it out and take out a little "hump" I've had in it. Johnny M. lent me his Park Truing Stand a while back, so I better use it soon. Riding the SL-1 lite bike today after using it last Saturday for the nicely attended Sandia Creek ride. I'm documenting exactly the tire mileage on it using a new set of Conti G'skin Hardshell 28mm tires. 2100 miles and counting. No flats.
Headed north and didn't see my usual Tuesday buddies at McDonald's or on the route to Escondido. Roberto and friend ride this Champagne route every Tuesday with a long stop at Mickie "D's". No wind at all today and the roads were clean and nice. So was the SLR to Oceanside. Thought about stopping to check out Dan Phillips at his shop, but nixed that idea and instead swung over to Air Products off Palomar Airport Rd. and dropped John M. a note on his SUV. He's been up north in Saratoga of late taking care of family things. Need to prompt him to get back riding more again, if possible.
Revolution DB 2.0-1.5 spokes |
La-de-da ride down the coast with no hook-ups and lite bike presence today. Tuesday is normally a heavier bike traffic day. Stopped off at Nytro and chatted with Joe a bit. His big ride with the disabled vets is on Friday (rain scheduled). They'll start from Santa Ysabel and hit Mesa Grande, Hwy. 79, S-2 over/down to Scissor Crossing and then back up Banner Grade. Nice little route, esp if there is wind. I guess Joe is riding a Cannondale EVO-Six. Real light bike I didn't even know he had. Doesn't like it as well as his Cervelo.
Checked with Joe on some 290mm long, 2.0-1.5 Revolution spokes. These are the good, lite ones. Last time, the spoke box had different lengths in it and my wheel build was jacked up. Took me forever to finally figure it all out. From now on, I check all spoke lengths carefully! ( Note: A box of spokes aren't always exactly the same length. Some may be 1mm + or -). Got that all figured out . Joe gave me some sample stuff. I asked him about recovery aids too. I had some of that Chocolate Cliff Recovery Mix that worked really good. Cost too much as do most of the rest of them. About time to get a tub of Whey Protein and mix with Instant Breakfast/soy milk again.
Photographers taking shots at Cardiff |
Off down the coast, I stopped at Cardiff Beach. Several photographers with telephoto lenses doing long shots of a few surfers getting hammered by the waves. Low tide and mild sets now. Over by the bathrooms, three older skateboarders were doing GoPro shots with camera attached to a golf club. They were really into curb jumps. I didn't see the "thrill" of it and pulled out in due order. Feeling like too many negative ions in the atmosphere tired, I made the turn inland and worked my way up the rollers to Rancho Santa Fe. Early afternoon and didn't see other riders, even past Lake Hodges. Made the usual turn through Harmony Roads and was soon back to San Marcos. Finally saw a group of riders on Twin Oaks Road looking around. I passed their buddies up the road fixing a flat tire.
Felt a little "blah" all day from the start. Picked up a few spokes, goodies and some advice today.
Clear skies
Hi: 77 Lo: 54
67 miles
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