Fix My Bike route we rode today. |
Soaked my left ankle in Epson Salts and rubbed it down good. Normally I wouldn't be riding today, but I figured I could manage at a moderate pace and take a few days off later. I packed a bag of electrolyte tabs for Keith and headed out at 0630. Forgot a packet of Chamois Creme, so I turned around and went back to pick one up. Always carry some extra stuff, just in case! Took the north route to Mulberry 7-Eleven. Mike and Dan were there already. Went inside and looked for a Reese Piece for 20 cents. None. Got a duplicate pre-start receipt and chatted with the boys. No Keith yet. We waited till 0700 and rolled out, per schedule. I saw a couple of riders at the Albertson's parking lot and we turned in there, figuring Keith might have parked there as before. Nope, just a couple of "big" guys. Something must have happened, as Keith is usually quite punctual.*
Followed the route through Harmony Grove and down Del Dios with Dan setting the pace as we were talking. Not a lot of traffic for Saturday morning. Rancho Santa Fe town was sleepy as we rode the rollers to the coast. Stopped at the Solana Donut Control and picked up some Red Velvet donuts for receipt. These are supposed to be a baked donut. I threw out the notion of a Yuma ride to the guys. Mike said Sandy wanted to do it. Otherwise the idea was lukewarm. Weather was really good as compared to the last few weeks of HEAT.
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Red Velvet donut at Solana Donut Control for receipt Yummy! |
We turned off the SLR onto Douglas, then a left on N. River Road to the end of the cul-de-sac. There was a white bike by the sidewalk for a memorial. We checked the scene: police had tagged evidence locations with green paint numbers. They were scattered along a 75 foot section including tire marks along the curb! Parts were still lying around and we spotted a amber turn bulb under a bush. What a mess.**
Rode over to College and picked up the SLR again. Mike led out on Hwy. 76 over to Bonsall for a control break. We stopped at McDonalds where it was busy. The boys got fries or fish and I opted for HF Sundae. I had to go back several time to remind them of my paltry order. Guess they should be making $13 to $15 per hour soon, that would help the service? NOT!
Cyclists accident scene on N. River Road. |
Too bad Keith didn't make this ride today. The guys were looking forward to it. Dan had nearly a 100 mile day and Mike rode good too with almost 90 miles. I limped around and ended up doing OK up Champagne. It was a 3 Tylenol day and lots of White Flower to keep moving. I soaked the ankle well in Epson Salts and did my normal muscle rub thing when I got home. Call it overuse or tendonitis, which ever suits your needs? Looked like a 3/5 day to me.
* Keith later emailed that he "wasn't feeling up to the ride today for various reasons"
** Police traced the Kia car parts later in the week to a San Diego driver and questioned him. The cyclists lay there overnight before being spotted by a plant employee going to work at 0530 the next morning. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Overcast early, clear later
Hi: 78 Lo: 61
69 miles
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