Garmin stats from today's Crusin' The OC |
It was a warm 67F as I encountered no base traffic on Harbor Dr this early. Had my headlamp for the run up I-5 this morning. Added the 2-rear blinkies to the SOMA and reflective leg bands for added visibility this trip. Always a tail wind with the spotty early traffic. Rest Area was loaded with cars. I didn't need to stop this trip and quickly made my way northward at a moderate pace of 19mph. In 35 minutes, I exited at Las Pulgas where there was a trash truck smoking real bad. I stopped and used my headlamp to light up the undercarriage while the driver was on the fire extinguisher. Looked like a hydraulic-line fire on the muffler or something. That taken care of, I passed through the parking lot and rolled past the early arriving rail construction workers. Made a quick stop at the heli-port porta-potty. The cleaning truck was just pulling away, Perfect timing! Still lots of Labor Day holdover campers at the San Onofre Campground. Nothing but quiet through there. Pulled into Carl's Jr in San Clemente for a ice break at 0615.
Washed up sand was all cleaned-up at Doheny State Beach. Last week, you needed a wide-tire bike to get through there. Hwy.1 had new surface in progress for the first few miles out of Dana Point. Nice and smooth now. Seemed I hit the peak traffic time at the nasty Laguna Park curve. What a mess there for cyclists. I took the sidewalk up the hill to avoid any problems or brush-offs. Couldn't wait for the turn to Bayside Dr. and out of the heavy traffic at Newport Beach. Some Filipino guy was riding his MTB on the sidewalk and waving to everyone while his radio was playing! Same guys working the cash register at Bayside Chevron. Iced up my bottles, hit the head and got a pak of Belvita biscuits for receipt.
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Hibicus "tree" by Bayside Chevron |
My Carl's Jr. Sandwich didn't look like this! |
Cruising south toward SJCapistrano, a buff shirtless surfer boy flew by on a lite bike. This dude had massive triceps that I only hoped for. Gave him 1/4 mile before reeling him in. He looked a little shocked and followed me a mile or so before turning off. Slight tailwind on the San Clemente climb and I felt good in the big gears. Had a blast off through town before catching a quick stop at Carl's Jr. for refill. It's a over an hour back to the finish in Oceanside, so I reduced speed and made a wash hands stop at San Onofre #11. There was the blue bar of soap there just for that. Quick riding down to Las Pulgas Road. There I decided to go through the base, hoping to pick up a Tuesday touring rider like last time. Not to be, as all was quiet. Made good time with the tailwind through the base and back to the Circle K finish. 15 cent receipt and I was off to catch the next Sprinter train back to San Marcos.
Average day on the road. Bike paths are always nice up north. Hwy. #1 by Laguna Park not so. I figured I'm up to 60% and breathing poorly. That pre-Temecula 600 ash ride is still hanging around in my lungs somewhere. Doc said lungs are good. What's next?
Overcast early with clear skies rest of the day.
Hi: 96 Lo: 66
127 miles
Control receipts: $4.66
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