Monday, July 5, 2021

4th Of July In Detroit

Welcome to Detroit
Time to mount up the flag and do a little holiday riding. For many years now, I'll grab a flag from the road-trash cache and strap it behind the seat. To enhance the spirit a patriotic colored jersey does the trick. Several RUSA jerseys work well as does the TX state jersey. 

Been warm around here of late, so I left well before 0400. Close-in fireworks late last night so I didn't sleep much anyway. For some reason, today's start temp was in the low 60F and scheduled to top off in the hi 80's. Added a singlet and arm covers for this trip. Route was the updated "Graceland To Detroit". Traffic was nil as I "motored" along, listening to the birds. Mockingbirds make the most noise and often time they will follow along utilizing their full song list. An occasional noise from the trees makes me think "another wild hog encounter"?

New Detroit Mural
 Detroit was completely quiet. Sunrise was yet to arrive as I noticed a new mural on one of the old brick buildings off the main street. Photo-op. Also took a few shots of the "Welcome To Detroit" sign next to the little park. Flags lined the street.

On the return back to "Graceland", I checked out the Clarksville Donut Shop. Yep, it's open today. I grabbed a smallish donut and rolled over to the town square. (They should take a hint from Peterson's Donut in Escondido, CA... where for a buck you get a real meal size donut). The town square was laced in flags.. enhancing the Independence Day spirit. Took a few photos, looked around and enjoyed the quiet morning. As I was leaving, a lady drove by and wanted to take my picture. As Sam always said: "Never miss a photo-op". Rolled out of Clarksville into a stiff headwind all the way to Avery. 

Clarksville Town Square
 Not much going on in Avery town on this 4th of July. A few flags lined the street by city hall. Neighbors were working on tractors and guy across the road is working in his car shop. Looks like I'm bound for yard duty today. Neighbor down the way is having a big 4th BBQ tonight. 

happy 4th of July

- randorides

Informational Route Video

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