Decided to do the Montezuma Mesa Express, instead of another "Ursa Major". New route owner Steve Elliott is still figuring out that it's OK to email the waiver first, but then you must snail mail it to him! Huh. Guess his printer doesn't work anymore or he wants you to spend 50 cents on a stamp. Figure that one out! I'll probably just make up another same-o route, maybe starting in San Marcos instead.
Non-eventful ride today. Still can't breathe properly. Started the route at 5:30. Coughed and hacked out the lungs in good order by 8:00 AM. After that I could ride OK at 1/2 effort. Not many riders out too early. Did see NCCC Joe and Dee as they were riding northward in Carlsbad. Lots of beach goers on the beaches today, even under cloudy skies. Did have big headwinds coming back up the coast. Stopped by Nytro to see Joe Morgan about Crank Bros. pedals he has lying around. Did manage to order some disc brake pads for the Niner. Semi-metallics still to much chattering. Did get home to San Marcos before 5:00 PM.
That's it,
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