Flowers along Coast Highway |
“Dang, it's cold here”, I said as I
stepped out of John's Element near the start. What happened to the 56
degree temps I researched early this morning? No leg warmers for me
as I rode up and down the back road to warm up. Keith Olsen rode over
to say “hi”. He is new to randonneuring this year and has been
riding well, sorting out his bike and set up. John installed his
front dyno wheel, put on his vest and rode around to the front of
Holiday Inn XP to see who was there early.
Lots of familiar faces at the start.
Author of “Hell On Two Wheels”, Amy Snyder was there. Jack
Twitchell from PCH land was there with wife Kathy, no tandem for them
this trip. Solo for Jack. All rounder Tim Sullivan and his follow
group were established. AZ contingent of Brian “PAC” McGuire,
Mike Sturgill and Steve Atkins. Oh course, steady Ed Shepherd,
straight off his walk-a-thon Vegas to LA 600 a few weeks back. Andi
Ramer finished that 600K and was here today for a 200 mile training
ride with us. Robert the climber had his ride strategy all set.
“Lightbelt” Sherman sneaked in late... he had been hammering the
previous local brevets and was set for another round today. Mel
Cutler and several riders I didn't recognize were milling around. RBA
Dennis Stryker was seated handing out Brevet Cards and ride tips.
I didn't know what to expect today. I
was still a little busted up from the February accident. John &
I were riding together today. We figured a slower pace with less stop
time might work OK. That's sort of what we did when we finished up
the 400K last month. John pulled me around the route and I rested and
stretched after each long climb!Why change it now?
I had a under-layer sleeveless, long
sleeve breathable, RUSA jersey, Illuminite vest and woolie cap up
top. No leg or knee warmers, crew cut wool socks with ACE ankle
bandage on left foot. Left the cane at home! Bike was set up with
handlebar bag and single Planet Bike Blaze light for the early 2
hours of darkness. I'd switch over to the dyno front wheel after Loop
1. I had my Garmin for use as a clock only this trip. Keep it simple.
We rolled out promptly at 4:00 AM.
Loop 1
Loop 1 route map |
In the first climb, ½ mile into the
route, Tim Sullivan dropped something and rode back down the hill to
pick it up. Then Tim and Linda Valadez missed the El Camino Real turn
and headed off to Rancho Santa Fe land. We'd see them later. The AZ
boys, Robert and “Lightbelt” were off to the races. Our small
gruppo formed with John, Keith, Jack, Andi and myself just rolling
along and listening to Andi's desert exploits. Tim and Linda soon
came rolling by, off on their quest. On the first big climb up San
Elijo, Keith flatted.. We stopped and suggested he could fix it up
and group up with Ed and Mel coming up behind. Our group was down to
After Escondido, we did Dog Park bike
path for a shortie before the Valley Center climb. Jack paced himself
up the long climb. The group was down to three now. We rolled into
the Stage Stop Market Control to find several riders just left.
Robert was still there, coating his body with sunscreen. We stripped
down to basics, got the receipts, watered up, bathroom and off we
went to climb up to Lake Henshaw. Robert joined up for a bit before
pacing away. Near the lake, a guy pulling a glider pulled around for
a chit-chat. It was Doug from my Thursday OFR riding group asking if
we needed water! He stopped and took our picture. What a nice guy.
Mesa Grade is the steepest toughie
climb on the first loop. At the bottom, my rear wheel picked up a
small stick and flew it up between the cassette and the frame. The
small stick was attached to a big stick and it jammed, bringing me to
a stop. John said: “Don't pedal” and dug it out. Whew! Close! We
cruised by the Angel Mtn. INFO control and enjoyed the scenic pasture
up top the mesa. John loves the fast downhill ending at Hwy. 79. He
pulled us into Santa Ysabel into a slight headwind. Not much traffic
in the morning along here.
Don's Market is a great place for
Randos to take a break. They have two nice large bathrooms, free
and ice and good prices on other things. Robert was trying to
eat half of this giant sandwich. AZ Mike Sturgill was still there.
His riding buddies had ridden ahead. Our group didn't stay too long.
Robert joined up and Mike rode on ahead of us. Not a lot of traffic
on Hwy. 78 toward Ramona. Old Julian Highway is always fun with the
curves and lots of downhill. Ramona was busy as usual, and those
dipped down road drains are always a mess to get around. I waived at
the local JIB, missing my usual shake attack! A nice grade southbound
before the ramp up to the INFO Control at the Scripps Poway Pkwy
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John, Andi & Kelly near Lake Henshaw |
A group of three women riders were just
ahead of us on a climb along SPPkwy and Robert had to sprint ahead to
check them out. What a stud buster! The last short climb up Black
Mtn. Road put us onto the SR-56 Bike Path and toward the coast. This
is a nice section to ride and we met a bunch of local riders through
here. Andi actually made it up the dirt ramp to El Camino Real this
time. This is where Keith went down on the Loop 1 pre-ride video!
Quick stop at the AM/PM Control and we headed to the coast, cooler
weather and back to Holiday Inn for the end of Loop 1.
After checking in at the desk, I hit
the bathroom(more to come) and then spent some time at John's
Element. I changed my clothes pack to night time conditions, changed
my front wheel over to dyno and got a few goodies as John, Andi and
Robert did their thing. We grouped up and started Loop 2 over to
McDonalds for a lunch break. We saw one rider just ahead of us with a
RUSA rear nameplate on his seat baggie, but didn't know who he was.
AZ Brian McGuire was there along with Zaharah. She brought some soup
and sands for us. We milled around and chatted. John's Gabbie came
over with some goodies for him before we headed out. Brian had left
Loop 2
It was much warmer now with the
tailwind as we rode eastward on the SR-56 Bike Path. Robert, John,
and myself didn't seem in any great hurry to get anywhere, just
rolling along. I handed Andi over a simethicone tablet for her
disgruntled stomach. We met 2 Randos along this stretch, and many
Tour de Cure riders. Just before the big Scripps Poway Pkwy climb we
did manage a short break at the Sycamore Canyon emergency access
road. We were all sweaty after the climb for the fast downhill on Hwy
67 into Lakeside and the glass laden bike lane before the turn off
onto local streets. Los Coches Road is always a sleeper with it's
sneaky grade up to Main Street. After the turn, we headed into the
JIB for a refresh, last chance before dark.
Loop 2 route map |
I ordered a chocolate shake and headed
into the throne room. John sat alone, non-chippy, looking out the
window with a sandwich and cola. Robert chomped on a sandwich. I hit
the pit for the second time. Andi loaded up and said her good-byes as
she was returning to Solana Beach, her 200 mile training ride
complete. I had borrowed her woolie cap, leaving mine back at John's
Element. I finished up my take along sandwich and shake, then dropped
a double-deuce in the BR. Oh, well. I popped a Gas-X just to see what
would happen. My stomach felt fine, but the bottom end was a little
A 1/3 of a mile after JIB, we turned
onto 4th Street for some pleasant riding down to and along
Dehesa Road. Lots of car traffic until we hit the Casino area.
Shortly after the climbing started, Robert said he wanted to make his
31 hr time frame and we wished him well as he paced off on the
winding road ahead. Just John and I now at the turn onto Japutal
Valley Road. I needed another pit stop, and the parking lot for the
Loveland Reservoir was just the place. The gate was locked so I
ducked under the wire and was surprised by the clean potty there. I
put on my long sleeve wool shirt under my jersey and John added a
layer as we hit the last big climb of the loop. That last 12% grind
up to the INFO Control sign was it for me. I stopped at the Lyons
Valley turn and put on my leg warmers, jacket and clicked on my front
lamp. We saw some lights behind us and waited till Linda appeared.
She said Tim was just behind. We figured they stopped a bit for a
layer up as we cruised down Lyons Valley. Nice and peaceful ride
through here.
We chatted about the brightness of the
stars and the half-moon. One more short climb up Honey Springs
and a
super downhill ahead. We stopped at the top, zipped up and hit that
downhill with both dynos blazing. Talk about lighting the road ahead,
we had it dialed in and missed all those holes and bumps. Several
cars “flashed” us before we got to Otay Lakes Road. Otay Lakes
wasn't as cold as last year so we stopped at the Pio Pico RV Store
for fresh water and John bought some Peppers. John mentioned he was
dialing out soon and I couldn't convince him otherwise. We were
almost past the lakes and Tim and Linda came rolling by. John and I
had a chat at the Wueste Road turn. He was going straight and call
in. He would meet me back at Holiday Inn before 2:00. Our little
group was now down to just one!
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Turn to Dehesa Road. Climbing ahead! |
I was feeling perky with the slower
pace all day, so I soon caught up to Tim and Linda on Olympic Pkwy.
They turned off for a snack and I then made short order of the easy
riding and stopped at the Main Street AM/PM for a long line receipt
and a bottle of Andi's fav drink,Vitamin Water. I left a Rando Card
outside and continued on northward to dark streets and some yelling
from car windows. Downtown SD was nice and quiet and the dyno light
clicked the stoplights green every time. Mission Bay Drive was also
quiet and serene. I put my jacket on and off a few times. When I hit
Rose Canyon Bike Path it was zipped up real good. It seemed real cold
through there for some reason. Gilman Drive climb was nice and
smooth, but when I turned up the LaJolla Village Drive on-ramp, I
thought my brakes were dragging! I figured that one spot must be a
12% grade. No wonder I usually don't go that way! Torrey Pines
downhill was nice and quick from the middle of the lane. For some
reason the climb up to Del Mar wasn't that bad either. In the dark,
it seems you're moving much faster than you really are. Good for
confidence!. Rolled into the Holiday Inn around 1:30 AM for a sign
in. John was at the Element and Gabbie had some hot soup ready. Nice!
Loop 3
Lingering around too long wasn't an
option for me. I get sleepy after dark and if I wait around or sit
down too
long it's nap time. We chatted a bit and I hit the hot soup
for seconds. John was in contact with Dan and Bill (who did the loop
pre-ride with us), as they wanted to ride up the coast with us early
on Sunday morning. I told John I wouldn't be good company as I would
be moving too slow for them NCCC riders. Gabbie reserve soon kicked
in as I pulled back onto Coast Highway for the last loop. I saw Tim
and Linda pulling in as I left. I thought about stopping by the
Amtrak Station to see if Robert was still there. We could ride up
together. Then I figured he was already long gone to make his planned
route deadline and I didn't know his new car.
Loop 3 route map |
I felt much better than last year
riding up the coast. No heavy drizzle this year. No party girls
blocking the streets in or police rounding up drunks on Coast
Highway. Nice and quiet as I passed the Jim Swarzman tree leaving
Encinitas. Randonneur Jim was killed at this spot on the Temecula 600
three years ago last week. I was on that ride and won't soon forget
that tragedy. I had plenty of lumens as I passed through desolate
downtown Oceanside and continued northward on I-5. The fog started
just at the NB Rest Area. Maybe that is why there wasn't an empty
parking space as I passed through. The tank tunnel was quite calming
with the light reflecting off the walls into the fog. It was much
heavier as I entered the San Onofre Campground. I tried to follow the
dirty double yellow center lines, but still wandered around a bit. I
kept wiping off my glasses, but that didn't help much.
The fog lessened as I passed “The
Trestles” and on to San Clemente. I did see one rider riding south.
Must have been a rando on a 5 AM quest. Very nice riding alone up
through Dana Point and Laguna. The nasty, congested curve around Main
Beach in Laguna was tame indeed. No cars, no traffic, no wind and I
had the road to myself. Newport Beach was just waking at 7:00 AM as I
stopped by JIB. I asked for the Jamie special 940 cal Hearty Bowel.
HUH? They don't have them anymore. I got something for a receipt and
turned south. Later, I realized I had picked up the wrong food pack
before Loop 3, as my energy level dropped to a 12 mph level.
The last run down the coast from
Oceanside was the normal Sunday coastal ride with a “cruise”
attached. I
was too slow for the racers and too fast for the
cruisers. Many riders were out on this nice day. I took the Solana
Beach detour route behind the Holiday Inn and cut across the parking
lot to the lobby. Got the Brevet Card signed off and sat down to fill
in the blanks. I finally figured out the Loop 2 night clerk put the
time and his signature in the Loop 3 finish box! I got that all
squared away just as John walked in. He suggested we put the Cards up
in room 318. After grabbing an orange, we loaded up the bike and
headed out for a stop at JIB on the way home. Ride analysis ahead!
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Doheny State Beach near Dana Point |
Things usually never go according to
plan. I finished up the ride in good order with a swollen right knee
and the same left ankle pain I had when I started. With several
other body parts still on the mend, this was good news. I did have
shit-itis most of the first day, but my stomach seemed OK. No flats
or mechanicals, even though I had all the inner and outer cables for
my normal new year replacement. I'll have to get to that one of these
days. OH, sure! My rando bike was still in impound at Nytro, so I
rode the carbon bike which I managed to get 700 x 28 Gatorskin
Hardshells on. It wasn't as comfortable, but OK. I rode Loop 1 and 2
much slower than last year, took shorter breaks and rode Loop 3
faster. The time difference was only 2 minutes! It's always nice to
ride with a few other riders of like minds and skill-set. There is
always a certain “strength” and camaraderie in doing so. It
didn't work out for the whole route, but we had fun, met some new
riders and always learn a few things too.
Take care and see ya on the next
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