I sent him this email just the other day.
Hi Alan,
Hope this email finds you, the only one in the archives for ya!
Last Thursday, it was a little cool, rainy and not that great when I rolled into Oceanside. The OFR Blog had a few riders saying they were riding, even if the weather wasn't that great.
I rode down to Magee Park, got there early and sat under the porch near the bench where we used to meet early for our Thursday rides. The roads were drying out and I figured you would be rolling in at 8:05 as usual. You always were there on time and we used to chat about different things of note.
I sat there and a lady drove up in here big car, got out and opened up the house(museum). We said a few words as I sat there on the wooden porch thinking about the times we would carry on a conversation on worldly matters. You were nice to chat with, not like the other riders who would always list there recent riding accomplishments, how great they were and other things of non-interest to me.
I realized you weren't coming today, but I still imagined you were there, and I left at exactly 8:30, just like you did. I rode alone down the coast, thinking about our good time together... when you met Anita, you riding into the back of a parked car, your teaching exploits, new Focus bike for you, dirty chain on the Lemond bike, etc. It's real weird things we can remember if we really want to.
I expect to see you soon, sitting on the Magee Park bench, waiting for others to roll in for the Thursday ride.
Take care, get better soon and Zaharah and I are thinking of you often,
your riding buddy,
I don't know what the future holds for Alan, or even me, but it makes you stop and think how valuable each ride we do is!
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