Friday, July 27, 2018

Half-Hook Up Night Ride

Well, once again the SDrando Organization lives up to it's recent image.
Short Recap:
The Mexican-6 contingent arrives in full kit in 2 new 20" wheel pickups.  One woman with huge thighs ready for the scheduled ACP University Loop 202Km Rando Route.
No organizer Hector, Dave or anyone else showed up.
M-6 doesn't know what to do about waivers, route or other matters.

By chance, Sam Thomas & I are riding a similar route with same start point.
We finally get the group organized by handing out a few kellyjay cards & lame advice.
Roll out at 7:08PM.

I'm slightly disappointed as I rode the Diverge Gravel Bike and was planning on catching some gravel on the shortcut route up thru Old Twin Oaks Canyon toward Bonsall. Sam was on his Fuji racing bike with dd wheelset and trying out his new camera (Yes, another one!). M-6 had a few hi-end carbon bikes with dd wheels also. M-6 gal rode older bike with squeaky BB/crank.

Sam & I lead out till Deer Springs where we hand over the lead to others...for the enhanced camaraderie thing! Sam hands over the lead to M-6 gruppo.
Pace picks up with a well oiled pace-line machine. M-6 is laying it DOWN!
M-6 takes a few night pics at Bonsall. They want to do Strava proof of passage. We suggest receipts OR photos at controls.
It's off to the races on the Oceanside path @ 22mph. M-6 gruppo-lead makes a partial wrong turn down to homeless encampment! M-6 has no reflective gear at all. Headlights and rear lights are good.

Group looses sight of me & don't follow me to the arranged bathrooms break@ Transit Ctr.
I meet Sam at Magee Park later.

We catch the M-6 race group after Swami's, southbound. They were quite surprised, as were we!
I mentioned "we stopped for lunch" a while back.
Race up to Del Mar leaves Sam out of light-sight.

I wait for Sam at Carmel Valley turn to Poway.
I mention to M-6 about the "gravel sidewalk" and one lane traffic on Moreno Blvd en-route.
I say "adios" to the M-6 Gruppo as they continue on the University Loop route

Sam rejoins and we "cruise" into the Circle K on Camino del Sur. We chat about Troy's Diverge wheel replacement and the cost$.
Down the hatch with a jumbo Coke & Frito's for Sam. I do a normal stay-awake reload with GU gel & caffeine enhanced Fizz to bottle. Way past my normal bedtime.

We pace nicely, buddy up on the climbs and think we're going fast in the no-traffic darkness thru Rancho Bernardo.
Hodges Ped-Bridge is open. Yaaaaah!

We by-pass the Inland Rail Trail from Escondido due to large #'s of carts/junk. Take Mission instead. Smooth sailing on bad road. Turn off on Barham and blister to the Ralphs Store/Finish.
83.25 miles.

Chat with Sam a bit and he rolls out northward to Sun City.
Says he will nap a bit when he gets home, then wake up his mom... eat, prep and go back to sleep.

I stop by Twin Oaks 7-Eleven for finish receipt, grab a IC Sandwich.
Buddy clerk says "You're a little early today"
I answer with: "Just finishing up"!
I roll home and sneak into the house. I've got the wide-awakes and Ms Zaharah is sleeping nicely! Take Hammer Recovery drink with Ensure chaser and Ibo Gel capsule for the ongoing compression disk fractures pain. Shower, send email on NO-SHOW to Hector & RBA Dave D. and hit the sack before 0300. Wake up at 0630 feeling good.

- Busy Bar traffic/noise at usual places. Oceanside Pier was loaded with walkers/tourists?
- Party Bar in finish area by Ralph's Center was crankin' and hot-chick action.

Sounds like another rando night ride.

- randorides

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Gravel Route with Brevet Start

650b Diverge: WTB tires didn't like loose gravel downhills
Another classic gravel ride... A few of us needed a little rando gravel action, so we thought it would be nice to offer some unison and start with the Sunday Brevet group in San Marcos.

Start with roadies: Only 4 riders showed up for the Populaire today. David Nakai looked like he just woke up from hibernation. RBA Dave had new Fuji racer. Keith had Sam-like matching jersey/socks, shoes/bike color, bag/helmet ! Nice! Mike Shaw back to more riding again.Great! I think Mac wanted to do the Populaire, but decided to ride the gravel route since he had his Ibis cross bike today. We all started at 0700 and the gravel group rode only a few blocks en-route before turning off for some gravel work.

Mini recap of the days events:
- Troy started at the wrong place, we realized something was up and hooked up with him in a bit. Sam jumped on his cell and left a message.
- Slip slide downhill trail above San Marcos had been graded! Good thing. My 650b WTB Byway tires don't like downhill braking on loose gravel. Specialized Diverge 650b Conversion Video
- Sam was traction-less on the first Gardinia Trail loose gravel uphill!
- Troy took off and beat everyone to Swami's.. Why? Urgent bathroom break!
- Massive dogs on the Del Mar trail
- Troy did lead out on Coast to Crest Trail.. wrong turn again. Wahoo error? Caught up later and walked up a short short-cut dirt climb due to large rock!
- Saw Dr. Dan Marks as we were climbing El Camino Real. I think Sam must have went over to visit, because we didn't see him in a long time.
- So. Penesquitos Trail was light family day today. John took off like he was after a coffee!
- Race up Black Mtn. road climb. Mac was full-out here. I pulled a sneaky Kelly-cut on him! Sorry Mac, wait for you at the top!
- Sam & Paul missed the SR-56 Bike Path turn to Circle K. Sam said he couldn't find the .tcx file to download. Troy cell-located them and suggested to keep riding on the route.
- We found them chatting with some hot-chiks on MTB's. Of course, I handed out a handy RANDO CARD.
- Sam disappeared again. Said he went back to check out the hard-bodies!! Really?
- All climbing now. John was off to the races... Mac went by yelling: "come on, boys!!!
- Lago Linda side dirt trail.We followed John M. Sam had disappeared for good by now. Maybe a shortcut back?
- Massive 20%+ v. rough concrete climb up to Escondido Trail. Mac was off to the races, followed by Troy, me and John. Mac was hi on gearing and started a "mailman" This ended badly for him with a bad-form side mount, 2-roll & 1/2 twist later he took out Troys front wheel and rotor with some sign of skin!
- Blood-drop later, Kelly tools and John re-align quickie with Troys direction, we were off up the Escondido Creek Trail. For some reason, I had Mac's blood on my fingers and glove!
- Met Rando Jim Robinson, waiting up the Trail. He rode back with us.
- Mac's legs were mush after the minute blood loss and gazing around for 20 minutes.
- All climbing as we grouped up for the final push. Troys wheel kept true enough.
- Troy, me & Jim all pushed the light button at the top of Twin Oaks... Weeeeeee downhill
- All back nice and safe before 1:30 PM. No Sam yet! We chatted around about Mac paying for Troy's total wheel rebuild! Happy Birthday Mac (July)
- Waited till almost 2:00 PM. No Sam yet. 
- Later found out Sam made it in before 2:30. Seems Paul had a cable break before leaving Sam to finish off the route.

- randorides