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Rando Route #2084: Ursa Minor, done in reverse |
Checked the local temp at 0230 and it was 65.5F in San Marcos. Light cloud cover overnight kept the blistering day heat in. Super! I was off early for a 7-Eleven start receipt and no traffic. Wore a sleeveless underlayer, new rando jersey topped off with a lite Camelbak packed with some goodies.
Just after 0500 I was on I-5 rolling northward to light traffic (mostly big rigs). Lane was moderately clean with the exception of a few tire strands which I ran over! Upped my Cygolite to HIGH as it started to get light in the east. Nice traffic push to the NB Rest Stop. Did notice that it was packed with cars. So many, in fact, that they were parked on the north on-ramp, making a dicey curve northward. Didn't see that many people wandering about, so they must have been sleeping it off?
Decided to swing by the Las Pulgas parking lot and see if it was posted: "Closed To Cyclists". No signs there and the gate was open. Pondered riding thru, but just couldn't miss the chance for a I-5 run. Steep on-ramp, followed by a gentle grade as I rode northward near increasing traffic. The bike lane was spotless.. not even a tiny pebble or paper lying around. Much further than I had anticipated approaching the truck scales. OH, Oh. No problem, as there are signs directing bikse around the traffic and scale area. NICE! Leaving the scale area, I stopped and check over a frame pump lying roadside. Bummer. Took a car hit and was flattened out a bit. Left it there for the next cyclists and clicked in a higher gear. Slight downhill approaching Basilone Road. I was maxed out of gears anyway. Bit of a traffic snarl before the loop-e-doo to the Trestles Bike Path. A whole lot of surfers on bikes today.
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Dude "Hey man, I want to catch a wave" CHP: "Strip Search"! |
Rolling thru downtown San Clemente, I check my Garmin clock and noted 1 hr. 05 minutes had lapsed since I left Oceanside. That's quick for me, especially with several stops. No traffic riding as the sun was peeking thru by now along Dohney Beach. San Juan River Trail had a few joggers and lite bike traffic by now. Quick turn-around in San Juan Cap as I couldn't wait to check out the SB I-5 speed. Ice stop at Carl's Jr and I was off on cruise control!
CHP greeted me as I crawled onto I-5 SB. Hope he realized the Pendleton BP was closed today. Gave me a quick glance, noticed my dual rear lights, patriotic jersey and blinking headlight. OR maybe he had other important things on his mind?
Gentle uphill grade to the SB Truck Scales. Not busy here and I followed the nice quiet exit road thru the trees, near the tracks and into a round-about. Not about to return, I did a mini gravel run and entered I-5 SB again. I was soon flying along to the bonus exit at the Overlook. There you do a weird total 360 degree swing around before you're back on I-5 again. Several cars were parked enjoying the view OR was this the rumored active pick-up-spot for same sex lovers?
Total blast off down to Las Pulgas Exit. Stopped for a short water break at the SB Rest Stop. Back on I-5 again, I soon stopped and picked up a roll of blue painters tape. Pickings were slim today, unlike last weeks LG Cell Phone & several new bungee cords. Slight side wind and the trip into Oceanside was just at an hour. Harbor Dr. off-ramp still has the field of broken glass to avoid.
I wasn't feeling super along the coast but swung by and checked out Dan Phillips at his Bussey Auto shop. Refilled my bottle, said "hi" to busy Dan and worked my way down to Leucadia Donuts for a break under the outside umbrella shade. Hung around a bit, sucking on water laced with Hammer Fizz Tabs! Made Nytro for a water refill as they opened and chatted with Tim about today's ride up I-5. After a GU gel and water, I was off down the coast before turning inland and rising morning temps.
Del Dios was its usual Garmin 100F reading, but the slight headwind breeze made the final ride into San Marcos bearable. Chatted with 7-Eleven owner Najib Azzam in air-con comfort. Need to get him on some rides soon. Slogged home with a aching left foot. Two Advil and ice took care of that. That ankle always gave me trouble ever since it was shattered years ago. Go figure?
- randorides.