Big fog advisors didn't amount to much till we rode northward. |
Mike Shaw couldn't make it due to shoulder soreness.
Fast pace over the few miles to O'side Transit Ctr., where Keith Olsen was waiting for us. RBA Dave D. and Ben Hian showed up in due order.
Ben waited a bit for Harper to show, while the rest of the gruppo rolled out @ 0705.
Keith favored the faster I-5 route, so off we went. Later Dave spotted Ben riding thru the Base.
Fog increased the further north we rode. Sam went off on a hammerfest with Dave pushing him along. Shortly, Bill dropped off the from rest of the gruppo and Keith stayed with him. Seems his front tire collected a screw. Dave D. said "He got screwed"! Several of us waited at the NB Rest Area for a regroup. Dave & Sam continued on to meet Ben @ Las Pulgas Rd parking lot. 2 tubes later, Bill and Keith arrived and we were off northbound again.
Back together again with Ben (no Harper) at Las Pulgas, we picked up Troy Buss (NCCC rider) as we were off at a comfortable pace thru San Clemente, meeting increasing groups of cyclists along the way. Weather was starting to slightly clear and warming up a bit by now
I was riding "Ursa Minor-R" route from San Marcos today*, so I bid "adios" and headed eastward on the San Juan River Trail at Dana Point, while the others cruised north to Newport Beach.
Sam mentioned later that the gruppo held to the inland bike path route up to Chapman Chevron Control. Shortly after the break, the group split up, with Ben, Dave, Andi, Bill & Troy off the front. Sandy, Keith and a flailing Sam next up. Sam missed his early morning Peterson's Donut run and was feeling the effect right now.
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Bill "Got Screwed" on I-5 just after leaving O'side start. |
Everyone finished up in good order with lots of tall tales of riding prowess. (Andi tops the list here!)
*I continued on to San Juan Capistrano, where I endeavored for a breakfast sandwich at Carl's Jr. What a joke. A good reminder to not get solid food at these stops. The dude didn't know which way was up! So much for $15 minimum wage.
Met groups of cyclists on the route back. I decided to take I-5 SB from Las Pulgas, instead of my usual Camp Pendleton trek. A funny decision, as I stopped to pick up a spool of rope along the way. Cars were backing up all the way north from Oceanside to the Rest Area! Don't know why, as no accidents along the route, just one lady parked in the bike lane and taking pics of roadside flowers!
Made my way along the coast with a stop at Nytro to check things out. Good day for business, as the weather warmed up and it started to clear. On my way back to San Marcos, I decided to stop by Best Buy, pick up a 24" computer monitor. The rope came in handy, as I made a few backpak straps and loaded it up for the ride home. Good thing it wasn't a bigger screen! Finished up Ursa Minor with a stop by 7-Eleven and the final receipt.
Quite a day and I was buggered out after hanging around home for a bit.
- randorides