Sunday, November 20, 2016

Commute To SDSU-R: Early Ride Down...Freeze Zone

Early AM Route down to Mission Valley Brevet start
Yes, another "Odd-Ball" ride in the books. Commute To SDSU-R. A early ride down to hook up with the Newport 300 riders leaving Mission Valley-San Diego.

Keith, Sam, me & John M. rolled  out of San Marcos at 0200. Andi was missing, as her calf was hurting. (Keith said he'll use that excuse next time!).  Official temp was 41 degrees (F). Sam was trying to talk thru his full face burglar mask. Nice. Keith forgot something to cover his ears. Brrrrrr!

I was layered up with long sleeve shirt, rando jersey and wind reflective vest outer. Arm warmers with my knee warmers over long wool skateboard socks. Glove liners under my knitted finger-less gloves. Had woolie skullcap under helmet. Combo worked well.
Garmin temp was down to 31F in the low spots. Nil traffic and nice quiet riding.
Arrived a little early at Mission Valley 7-Eleven Control at 0440. Clerk there was grumpy after he saw Sam lingering outside in his ski mask!
Rode over to the Newport 300 Start at 0515 and chatted around. They had 8 starters and not-tasty donuts. Left on time(0530) and rode/chatted with Kevin Haywood from Valley Ctr. ( who drove down last night and spent the night at the hotel!)
Tim Sullivan, Kerin H., Osvaldo C., Wei Sun, Lisa N. soon blasted by. They dropped Lisa on the climb to UCSD. Chatted with new guy Jonathon Burchmore from Ramona. He was froze with no leg coverings, no long gloves, etc. Rose Canyon was a freeze zone. We soon really welcomed the late arriving sun heat.
Couldn't locate any open bathrooms around Torrey Pines State Beach, so rode over to Solana Donuts for a break. 
0445   7-Eleven: John, Keith & Sam at Mission Valley Control
met us there and looked cold already. 0715 and the sun was up warming us up quickly. Lingered around while Keith barricaded himself in the bathroom.
Soon left to warmer temps as John led us by Quail Gardens before turning for home at El Camino Real. Mac had turned off for the coast already. Sam, Keith & I stopped to strip off some layers before climbing back to San Marcos.
Rode up on a "racer" guy on a newer Cannondale, recently down from Oregon. He stayed with his mother up there before returning back to San Diego. Been out of work forever, he said.
Nice cruise ride back to the Albertson's finish, where Sam laid on some heavy election talk. His favorite candidate didn't do so well. Sorry. Keith handed out hi-octane goodies as we chatted around and finally left. Keith home to take care of his new dog, Sam to Fallbrook to continue moving and me...well, just basking in the warmth on the ride home.
Might do something like this ride again for the Dec. 3 Brevet in San Diego.
Who knows?
- randorides