Our old rando buddy, Sam Thomas, from far away New York, emailed last week about his planned week of riding in San Diego. Sam comes out each year for some riding and I throw together a schedule of sorts starting on Monday, Sept. 6th. Sam would be flying back on the 14th. He left a Specialized bike here at his friend Darrell's house in Oceanside, where he would also stay during his visit.
This next week looked like around 700km of riding, with some coastal mixed in among hills. Record local temps over 100F have put a real damper on any full inland or desert riding this trip.
Monday, Sept. 7: University Loop Training-Route #2146
General Garmin stats for today's training ride to SDSU |
Pleasant way to start off Sam's training week, with a jaunt down to SDSU on Labor Day. OFR Gruppo was also doing a ride to Mt. Soledad... we could hook-up on the way south. Dan Phillips, Bill Stevenson, Mike Shaw, Keith Olsen, Sam Thomas & myself met up at the Ralph's store across the street from CSUSM. They open at 0500, so I rode over and got a start receipt before meeting up. Dan, Bill & Sam rode in from Oceanside.
Sam looked good and was riding his Specialized 53/39...11-24cog bike he left at his buddy Darrell's house in Oceanside. Good for coastal, but a bummer for today's full ride as we would later find out. After a lot of chit-chat, off we went in the dark. For a few hours of dark riding, I'll use my Dorcey helmet light with rechargeable AAA's. Others had a single handlebar light. All good enough this morning.
Lights or not, Mike, Dan & Sam kept going straight on Woodland Pkwy toward the mesa, while Bill, Keith and I made the turn on route to Country Club Lane. Backing off, they soon joined forces for the little climb up Nutmeg to Old Hwy 395.
Dan cranked er up to 20mph past Lawrence Welk Resort,, alternating with Keith & Bill to the Bonsall Control. Group threw away some time at Mickie D's before filling our bottles and blasting down wind aided Hwy. 76 to the San Luis Rey Bike Path.
Albany Sam returns. Here with Mike Shaw(r) at Magee Park |
More speed now as we rotated pulls to Oceanside. Well before 0800, we made our usual stop at Magee Park. Not wanting to wait till 0830 for OFR stragglers, we headed south on Coast Hwy. without Dan Phillips. Seems his ride up Palomar in the heat on Friday, mixed with his Bullfrog Lotion produced a nice red rash. Off he went home. Group had a nice relaxing pace to Swami's Park in Encinitas. Keith & I stopped at the local 7-Eleven for ice. Nice group of around 20 total as we left Swami's before 0930.
The randos left the main group at the turn toward Mission Bay Drive. We did a loop-e-doop and rolled down Morena Blvd. Temps were soaring by now and opted for an alternate control stop near SDSU at the 7-Eleven. Nice timing... their cola/ice machine was down! Mike bought a bag of ice for us and helped out two local riders too. Temps in the mid-90's now as we sat outside in the shade. I mentioned to Keith he might pack an extra bottle for the next inland segment. Good idea!
Hit the Pottie entering Qualcomm Stadium lot and soon made our way northward on the bike path, past Charger offices and cut around to Kearny Villa Road, past Miramar Marine Base. Temps in the hi-90's as we hit the climb up Black Mtn. to the 56 Bike Path. Sam didn't have the gears for this one and crawled up. Had a cool down stop at the Circle K on Camino Del Sur. Temps dropped a whole lot as we made our way up the coast on Hwy. 101.
Sam needed a stop at Nytro to say hi to Joe. We filled our bottles as Bill continued on home. Pace slowed on the way up the coast to Carlsbad. Sam was headed home (Daryl's house in Oceanside) from here. That left just Mike, Keith & I to finish the route. Climbing was easier with the tailwinds as we moved inland to higher temps again. Took the back way into Ralphs and called it a day. I picked up a few things for the Ms. and Keith gave me a warm Ensure for recovery. (Yes, I took it home and added ice). Rest up Sam, another one tomorrow!
Clear Skies
Hi: 102 Lo: 62
Wind: WSW 8mph
134 miles
Tuesday, Sept. 7: Fix My Bike Route #2431
Tuesday's Fix My Bike Training Route |
We decided to start this training route in Encinitas. Sam had to meet his wife at Nytro around 1:00 PM and Keith wouldn't have to drive so far from Point Loma. I left home early and cruised over with just my little helmet light and rear blinkie. Plenty good enough, for traffic was scarce on Rancho Santa Fe and the back way to Encinitas.
Keith decided earlier to park at the train station. I was a little early, so I rode around and around the station, looking for Keith or Sam. NADA! Later when Keith arrived, he said he parked at the Solana Beach Station instead! Sam barely made the 0600 start time, now riding Darrell's Kestrel carbon with 50/34 and a 11-28 cassette. Much easier riding today with that set up.
We were soon off northward on Coast Hwy. 101. Sam lagged behind due to seat adjustments on Darrell's bike. Keith kept going due to lack of a rear mirror. We finally all joined up near Palomar Airport Road and chatted our way to the SLR Bike Path. Temps were already in the high 70's and climbing quickly in the sunrise. Keith and Sam did most of the SLR pacing.
Nytro Joe was working Sam hard on a new frame deal. |
Nice stop at Bonsall McDonalds, where a 40 cent Mounds mini bar was on the receipt menu for me. After lagging around for a bit, we decided to move our butts. Nice easy pace on Camino del Rey and into a little climbing. Sam's gears were working good and Keith was having recovery day blues. Real hot going up Champagne, but the fast downhill on Centre City and Nutmeg made up for it. Made our final stop at the San Marcos 7-Eleven on Mulberry Dr.
After packing the bottles with ice water, it was off on the new revised route via Barham, Country Club straight to Citracado and on to Del Dios Hwy. New signage there indicates "NO RIGHT TURN ON RED". Randos watch out! Nice easy pedal down Del Dios into a slight headwind. Traffic was quite heavy at this time of day. Humid and warm too. Slo pace thru Rancho Santa Fe and up the rollers to Solana Beach.
Stopped at Keith's car for a warm Ensure I carried with me on the way back to Encinitas. Made the final stop at Nytro, where Joe was trying to sell Sam a new carbon frame. I managed to grab a few gels before setting off back to San Marcos. Sam was still dealing when I left at noon!
Seemed like a tough day for a short recovery ride. Watch out for those "easy rides".
Clear Skies
Hi: 104 Lo: 70
Wind: WSW 5mph
98 miles
Thursday, Sept. 10: Coronado Express Route #790
Stats from Training Ride To Coronado. |
Halfway over to the Oceanside start, I noticed my usual banana was missing. Figured I was early enough to swing by Dan Phillips shop for a chat and pick up some fruit on the way. Stopped at the new 7-Eleven on Canyon at Oceanside Blvd. No bananas there. Across the street at AM/PM I came up empty. Someone in a dark pickup yelled "Kelly". Don't know who that was.
Rolled into Bussey's Auto and Dan was just arriving too. He was yelling at me earlier. After a short chat about Friday's night ride, I rode over to Circle K for a banana and start receipt. Mike Shaw, Keith Olsen, John Fry, Sam Thomas & myself chatted before leaving the Pier at 0730. Had the GoPro mounted and Canon swinging around my neck. Sam also had his new Garmin camera mounted on his handlebar. (Riding Darrell's Kestral today). Met Bill Stevenson and his wife? cycling along Pacific Street
Keith, Mike, Sam & John at Start |
Lazy pace with a stop over at Magee Park After a bathroom break we were off down the coast. Met with OFR riders Dan Marks and Alan Lubic at Poinsettia Lane. Rode down the coast with Alan, the senior member of OFR. Entering Leucadia, I picked up some paint from a lane changing SUV, who did a left lane swing across the right lane and swooped me into a driveway. That was all done in a line of traffic! Just behind, Alan about shit his shorts! I did my normal swing right and yell thing. Not too excited, we proceeded down to Swami's for a OFR regroup.
Quite a few riders there today for a ride to Coronado, including Jimbo Wisener. Perfect warm weather along the coast too. After hanging around for too long, us randos rolled out, motivating the others to leave. Entering Del Mar, some took the "neighborhood route", while the randos rode thru downtown.
Randos on Mission Bay Dr. w/SAG! |
GoPro time along Torrey Pines State Beach and up the climb. Keith took off, trying to catch some big-ring hard body. Regroup at the top, with the usual stop for water. With no ride leader, the OFR group just sort of hung around again. Nice quick pace thru Rose Canyon and we decided to take Mission Bay Dr. instead of the Creek Trail. A few OFR stopped at the MBay bathrooms, while the randos kept moving along. We were downtown way early for the 1100 ferry, so a short stop at JIB for ice was in order. I gave the girl at the register a dollar for ice. She didn't know what to do! Maybe she just pocketed it?
Randos along with Tom Bandy, Jimbo and Tom Hanson boarded the ferry well before departure time. I went topside to look for the other OFR riders. Nope. Ferry left without them. Quite warm and diesel smelling down below, so most of us went topside for some air and picture taking. Snack time on the slow crossing. At the Coronado Landing, we hit the bathrooms where Tom Hanson rode ahead for cleat repair at the local shop. Pace line was in effect on the Bayshore Bikeway.
Sam dropped off the Bayshore pace! |
Jimbo had a flat on the last leg, so I turned around and rode with him. The others had went ahead at the frontage road and were waiting for us at the end of the path. Finally made our way over to the National City JIB control on Roosevelt Street. I loaded up with a chocolate shake and later found it was too much. Looked like Tom Hanson had earlier went ahead before the regroup. Nice and cool in JIB with outside temps in the mid 90's. Thirty minutes later, we were on the backroads thru Barrio Logan.
Jimbo had a slo leaker and stopped to re-pump a time or two. Tom Bandy stopped off for the 2:30 Coaster north. Made nice time up to UCSD and the climb up to Del Mar. Made the stop at Nytro, where Joe was hitting Sam up for a new frame purchase. Took a few store shots before riding north. Keith and Mike Shaw rode ahead and Sam, John and I rode together into the finish.
Bend hanger ended my ride home. |
I did my usual ride back to Circle K for a finish receipt and planned to hook up with John for the ride back to San Marcos. My bike fell over and the rear derailleur hanger bent. Didn't shift that well, so I rode over and jumped the Sprinter Train back to San Marcos. Looks like tomorrow morning will be full of bike work before the Sandia Creek night ride.
Clear Skies
Hi: 104 Lo: 78
Wind: WSW 8mph
127 miles
Friday, Sept. 11: Sandia Creek Century NITE RIDE #2366
Sandia Creek-R night ride training route. |
I had posted this ride up on the SDrando message board early in the week. Lite response and feedback varying from
"don't ride at night, too hot and don't get off work early enough". Nytro Bike boys were in then out. Same with several NCCC riders. I was first uncertain on a Friday or Saturday night ride and the starting time. Based on the length of ride a 5:00PM start time was decided on Friday night. Reverse course to make traffic a non-issue.
Sam went to the wrong Albertsons in San Marcos and later joined up at Deer Springs Road. PBP finisher Wei Sun, Keith Olsen and myself rolled out of Woodland Park Albertson's parking lot at 5:00 PM. Keith missed the Ivy Dell turn to Jesmond Dene climb. (By accident, I'm sure?). We all regrouped at Hwy. 395/Deer Springs Road as Sam unpacked his bike to join up. Wei Sun was soon off to the races and opted for more climbing up 395 to Lilac Road. We took the normal route over to Bonsall AM/PM for bottle refill.
Climbing started soon after on the way up Green Canyon and past Fallbrook. Wei soon joined up for a short jaunt before pacing ahead with his Schmidt hub turning. Time for vests and lights as we joined Old Hwy. 395. Sam was proud of his new double Cygolite set up with battery pack attached. I was running dyno and E3 light while Keith had several HB mounted lights. We soon were plunging down into Temecula via Rainbow Cyn curves. Sam took the sidewalk route over to Carl's Jr. Keith and I kept on course and followed Hwy. 79 to the Shell Station Control. Sam soon redirected and joined up. Wei was there eating an ice cream bar. Short chat followed. Wei figured he would get in some extra climbing on the way to the finish by doing San Elijo Road in lieu of Rancho Santa Fe.
Sam, Keith and I rolled into darkness, bypassing busy Old Town and were soon on our way up Rancho California Rd. Sandia Creek road offered early traffic, but soon cleared by the time we cruised down the rollers. One big climb followed, and we ground up that 17% sucker for a regroup at the top. Whew! Real bad downhill ahead, even with super lighting aboard. Nice ride along Santa Margarita River Valley, with several parked cars at the "nudie pool". My dyno light was dimming on the climb up to Fallbrook for sure.
Route deviates a bit over to Olive Hill and I at first thought we missed the second turn. Sam's Garmin was off, but we all prevailed when we found Olive Hill S just over the next hill. Sam led off on the great smooth downhill to the Bonsall AM/PM. Time for a refill. Sam mentioned to me he was bailing after the Hwy. 76 run to Oceanside. I had a few choice words of advice. Keith was milling around looking for food. We were soon off westward to no traffic on Hwy. 76. At the San Luis Rey entrance, we met Dan Phillips!
Wei Sun's night picture overlooking San Marcos |
Sam was riding back to Darrells house from here. Just Dan, Keith and me now. Dan and I were chatting as we kept a quick 17 mph pace behind Keith along the SLR. Getting late and my eye lids were heavy as we turned south along Pacific Street past the Oceanside Pier. Lots of lights and no traffic. Dan was off to home on Cassidy Street. Nice company.
Keith amped up the pace to 20mph along the coast. Real nice night riding here. Nice easy pace onto La Costa Ave and into the Circle K Control at midnight. Older clerk guy said another rider came thru about 10 minutes earlier. Must have been Wei Sun! We were getting closer? Bottles filled and a caffeine gel down, we started the climb to San Marcos. I set the pace up the climbs in my normal big ring. It seemed a little too big this night, but I just ground it out, punishing the tendons. Same gearing on the other climbs as Keith and I started chatting (to keep awake, I guess). Made good time to the last 7-Eleven control at Mulberry Street just after 1:00 AM.
Chatting with the clerk, he said no other riders had come this way. Mmmm, guess the San Elijo climb took its toll on Wei. After chatting a bit, I rode homeward and Keith rode over to Albertson's to his car. When there, Wei rolled in and said he got a ticket from the police! After a followup email later, Wei said he decided to go left up Double Peak for some more climbing and night views. It has a closed gate at night, so he went around. Ticket time! Put a damper on his ride, for sure.
Clear Skies
Hi: 95 Lo: 73
Wind: WSW 5 mph
102 miles
Monday, Sept. 14: Mule Hill To Black Canyon - Route #1191
Garmin stats from Mule Hill To Black Canyon route today. |
A bit cooler this morning than previous days. Nice ride over to the start near Mule Hill. Pulled into the Chevron where Keith Olsen and Dave Horwitt were chatting. I proceeded to search for something "cheap" for a start receipt. Gal mentioned Beef Jerky for only 49 cents. SOLD! Keith got one too. At 5:55, Sam pulled thru in his rental car. Chatted on Sunset with John Fry as Sam was getting ready. Started at 0603 and cruised the bike path under I-15 and across the Hodges Bridge.
Keith led the way on Highland Valley till the grade pitched up and then Dave took over with his little "click, click, click" keeping us awake. Sam was back on his high geared Specialized bike and had trouble on the steeper climbs. I reminded him of my crash on the 14% uphill section 6 years ago. Yep, uphill on the Bianchi, gears got messed up and I went down in the traffic lane. So much for history as we limbered up the final last climb only to meet Dave waiting on the downhill near Archic Moore Rd. Keith mentioned that the Highland climbs were harder than he remembered OR he was tired! Which was it?
Nice pace line finishing off Highland Valley and Keith pulled us into Ramona to JIB/7-Eleven. Cloudy and temps in the low 70's now. Time for a fill up as Sam was back on his Garmin 810 trying to set it up after loosing stuff on the Sandia Creek night ride. Milling around, we opted for the Old Julian Hwy. route. I led the easy pace and pulled back to take some snapshots along the way. Dave took off and waited for us near the Camel Farm. Old Julian Hwy. is a nice ride, either way with v. lite traffic.
Dave, John, Sam & Keith on Old Julian Highway |
More climbing on Hwy. 78 to Santa Ysabel. Traffic was non-existent today. Good thing! Dave & I set a nice quick pace up the hills and were rewarded with a super view of the Santa Ysabel valley ahead. Regroup at Don's Market for sure. They have a new water cooler by the meat dept., so no more buying bottled water. Ice is a free-bee too. John grabbed a banana and we all filled our bottles. Weather was nice and coolish with the skies clear now. We plotted our Mesa Grande strategy.
Keith led out and Dave followed on Hwy. 79. Soon they were far ahead as Sam, John and I enjoyed the smooth road, no traffic and tailwind on Hwy. 79. Turning to Mesa Grande climb, I was fine tuning my rear derailleur over the rollers. Next up was the INFO control, where Keith and Dave were waiting by the old Mesa Grande Store. How many mailboxes? Well, 14 or 16, depending if you count the ones on the ground!
I offered up a route option down Black Canyon dirt road. Initially off the map due to Sam's tire size, it was now voted on and mostly agreed upon... except Keith of course! Dave had the best set-up with 32mm tires, me and John had 28mm and Sam had the narrow ones. Sam was willing to try it. John wanted the adventure and Dave never been down that road before. LET'S GO, washboard and all.
I managed a few pointers about "seeking your line to miss the washboards" and "watch your front brakes in the loose stuff". No one much listened as we took off, sliding around and over-braking. I managed a stop for a few video clips before the regroup at the bottom bridge. Keith was a little hyper at this point.
Uphill was much better until this road hogging pickup driver didn't like cyclists and tried to edge us off. After a little yelling, he revved up and spun his tires! That was very impressive indeed! Reaching the apex, a tough bumpy downhill to hard surface brought Keith's frustration to a boil. His shinny wheels were out of alignment now. I lost my old bottle somewhere back there and Dave said I should go back for it. Sorry, not this time. A nice quick smooth ride the back way into Ramona and soon we were at JIB just after noon.
Ramona JIB: Sam (r) preps Keith on the Garmin Computer set up. |
Albany Sam was explaining the Garmin set up to Keith, as Dave & I walked over to 7-Eleven for goodies. John was studying something intensely. Lingering around, we finally filled our bottles and headed southward thru Ramona in heavier traffic. Dave led out around the storm grates. I stopped at the metal Ramona sign for snapshots and soon joined Sam in our own little pace-line. John was exerting lots of energy trying to bridge up to the leaders into the headwind. It's always a nice fast ride thru the rollers and back down Highland Valley Road.
Dave was waiting at the Lake Hodges Pedestrian Bridge to say "good-by" to Sam. He was riding back home and had a good time today blasting off. Keith and John were loading up when Sam & I arrived at the finish. I went over to get a receipt as Sam packed up. Sam will be flying back to Albany tonight by way of Atlanta. Long night for him. No work tomorrow, but back at it Wednesday.
Route video on YouTube.
This concludes Sam's training week in San Diego. He did good and got in some miles with lots of hills too.
Overcast to clear skies
Hi: 93 Lo: 63
Wind: WSW 10mph
98 miles
On the ride back to San Marcos, I was close to a fatal accident on Centre City Pkwy.
Read details in article "Sad Day On Al Ku Avenue" above.