My Garmin Stats for the Rainbow 200 |
First organized Brevet of the year and I was out of riding shape, 8 lbs over and didn't feel that great at all. Just right as I got up at 3:30 AM for partial ride down to the start. Jimbo Wisener was nice enough to meet me part way and load up the bike for the drive down. It all helps as the 39F temp about froze me on the downhills. I forgot my correct glasses and had to turn around and ride back home to get them too. Good start to the day. We arrived at Doyle Park with plenty of time to meet up with a few people, get the card and hit the head. No dehydration for me like the Tuesday Permanent. ( Ya, right, check in later on this!)
Great group at the start... I say well over 40 riders and looked like a half-dozen racers there. We were off at 0700 and I led the group. I do this so I can do my part and hit the light buttons for the rest! Soon riders were bunched up together at the Sorrento Valley red light. As soon as we hit the hills, the gruppo broke up and the racer group of 6 pulled ahead. I rode with new guy Mac Imacseng, Dan Phillips, Bill Stevenson, Dave Horwitt and a few others as I hid behind them up Del Dios into a early stiff headwind! Harmony Grove paceline Mac and I hooked up with a few good climbers including Robert Abrahim. I dropped a chain just before the Elfin Forest Control.
I was in and out of the Control in 2 minutes! Tim called me back to ask about doing a few routes for him and to sign the Randonneur Mag! Nice. I labored up San Elijo climb alone. Mac caught me at the top. Real fast downhill with no brake red lights. I told Mac and Doug Levy to go ahead, as I was stopping at the 7-Eleven to meet Zaharah to pick up my 2 fresh bottles. She wasn't there yet, so I hit the local bushes and continued on with my present empty bottles. I refilled with water at the Mike Shaw and Sandy manned control and took off after 4 minutes there.
All alone on the Champagne downhill. Some big rider caught up before Old Castle Road turn. I told him the directions to Lilac Road and Couser climb. He took off. Mac caught up to me and we stuck together up to Rainbow. I was starting to hurt a little and my right hammy was pulling by then. Out of riding shape and no good long rides will do that. We chatted and he zig-zagged up to the top of the Couser climb. His 25 rear cog wasn't working correctly. He liked the nice downhill after! I dropped my bottle crossing the bridge. We chatted some more on the pseudo-relaxing climb up Rice Canyon. Jerald Cook and Doug Levy were leaving the Rainbow Control as we entered.
Fuji Carbon rando bike set up for the Rainbow 200 |
Maybe 5 minutes there as I left along. Mac caught up soon as we rode with this Turner fast guy up towards Fallbrook. Robert joined up with us until Bonsall. Nice downhills along Live Oak Canyon and Green Canyon roads. The turn at Bonsall found a light headwind to the coast. Those guys were pulling 23 in a paceline. I knew I couldn't keep up with that as my hammy was pulling when I was in the drops and in a big gear. I had enough enery to motor along at 19 mph to the SLR Bike Path entrance. Mac was waiting for me. I told him he should have rode on with Robert and Turner a a faster pace.
SLR Bike Path saw me taking the first pull at 16mph. Then Mac took over at 17 most of the way. We caught Turner before Oceanside. He said his quad was cramping up . We rode along the pier and did stop at Magee Park to use the bathroom and get some cool water. I was dehydrated and hadn't been peeing much at all. I also had been drinking a lot with the electrolyte stuff in there. I didn't feel that good as we motored along the coast at a comfortable 17mph. Mac kept saying " I can't believe it that Bill and Dan hadn't passed us yet." "Just wait", I responded!
I knew Torrey climb would be a chore in the usual big ring, so I dropped to the 34T and spun up. Hammy in check, we cruised to the UCSD campus turn. I said: "They're back!". Dan and Bill pulled up alongside. They must have hit it hard all along the coast and had a great Torrey climb too! I tried to get them lost riding through the campus, but to no avail. We all rode into the finish together near 3:30 PM.
Not a bad ride for me. 30 minutes slower than last year, but I rode better this year! How? I was in lousy shape this trip and had the hammy thing didn't help. Got through it OK. Mac rode well for a climber and first timer! Bill and Dan rode really well, much better than last year.
We hung around the finish and chatted about how well we did. Bill lost his card and Dan & I didn't acknowledge who he was to Greg O. Just a joke so we all laughed it off and told a few stories. I waited around for Jimbo. Maybe I could hitch a ride with him back to San Marcos. I was real tired by then, standing around, doing nothing.. all part of it.
I rode really well and missed my target time by just a few minutes! Corona 300 next month. I hear it's a reverse course. Should be interesting. Need to be in better shape for that.
Good Stuff,
- randorides