Solana Beach 400 Route Map |
This tale doesn't relate to "first to finish" or a super fast time, but instead tells the story of a lonely Cane. Not just any Cane, mind you, a San Diego Randonneur Cane.
A while back, a mystical black carbon-like Cane appeared. It had emblazoned on it "San Diego Randonneurs" in graphic white letters. I remember RBA Mike Berry making such banners in years past for the group. Perhaps he had something to do with this? It wasn't anything special looking, just a black thing with a 2" add-on at the bottom where the rubber tip is. Zaharah (my wife) found it laying by itself in a Escondido Thrift Shop one day. Maybe Kelly can use that! He was busted up while riding in February, one of those rear end things with a Dodge Ram. It fits me perfect!
That's how it all started.
Solana Beach 400 was next week. My nice long distance Rando bike was on the mend. I couldn't walk and hardly get on a cycle. One day, the Cane was leaning against my black bike in the garage. They seemed to form a unique bond. It merged with the top tube as one. It brought it's own aura with it! Are you kidding me? What hocus-pocus is this. Mmmm, this might work. I developed an enlightened attitude!
Weird stuff started to happen.
My long time riding buddy and Rando good guy, John Mestemacher, emailed me he was now riding and wanted to ride with me. Is this a joke? Nope. The real deal. He would be willing to give up his good time performance and help me through it. My broken stuff started to heal up and feel better! On the trainer, my right hip had good cycling motion again. My dyno hub front wheel with 700x28mm tires suddenly fit and the light mounted seamlessly. Whats going on here? This might work. I looked over to the Cane and wondered.
Good to go now.
San Diego Randonneurs Mystical Cane |
There were a few comments about the Cane at the start. It didn't faze the Cane at all. It just rested on the top tube and took it all in. It was slowed up while we anticipated late arriving Jeff Cole on Morena Blvd and listened to Gary Kanaby describe his failing tendon and riding easy was the key. It observed how John fixed Ed Shephard's front derailleur approaching Mission Gorge climb. It didn't lift a finger to help John fix my double flat nearing Descanso in the warm sun. Or Ed Shephard recovering from cramping up on the Cuyamaca climb. I started to wonder how a Cane could influence good things happening.
Not a problem.
The Cane was watching as John pulled be mile after mile. 12mph on the flats and 6mph on the climbs. It's mystic nature was having an effect on me. The neck pain was subsiding, the hip was loosening up and the sore butt wasn't getting worse. It helped me hobble into the controls and felt warm when John's wife brought surprise hot soup at Deer Springs Control. Some for Sandy and Mike too! It was there till the end as I climbed the 16 stairs to get home.
Moral of the this tale
Next time you are wondering about your cycling.. it's too hard, too long or too much climbing, there's a Mystic Cane* out there, and it's got your name on it. JUST GO FIND IT!
RUSA #3932
* My Cane will be retiring soon and re-enter the realm of the mystic again!