SART (Santa Ana River Trail) |
Rain stopped at 3:00 AM and John picked me up for the drive down at 5:00 AM. Wet roads and around 38 degrees F. 27 riders had signed up, but fewer showed up for the 6:00 AM start. Several were still loading bikes when we rolled out on time. I hit the front right away. That way I can say hello to riders who pass me! Good idea? I had 3 wool layers on up top, new SDrando wool layer looking good. Long wool knee high socks, knee warmers, arm warmers and woolie cap with warm neck tube! I was dressed for the super cold.
Warmed up quick as guys were hammering up the coast. I kept it at a steady 17 mph for the long day ahead. I was going to ride with John Mestemacher. His last outing was less than stellar! A few others joined up, namely Robert A., new guy Keith Olsen, Jeff Cole and Bruce Shank joined up before San Clemente. We had a group of around 12 riders as we rolled up I-5. Most dropped as we hit the rollers and the climb up through the campground. I did a Carl's Jr. quickie stop, the rest went down to the listed Bagel Shack. Robert and John stopped by 7-Eleven. When we rolled by the Bagel Shack, riders rushed out, hoped on their bikes to join up! I luv it!
Nice steady pace as we rolled up through Laguna and on to Newport Beach. I stopped a Mickie D's instead of the Starbucks. Hit the head, water refill and got 97 cent ice cream cone to eat on the way. As I rolled by Starbuck's, John joined in. A few others rushed to join up. I was the only one who had done SART several times and yelled out the correct turns. We decided to stop at JIB in Corona, as several were lagging and needed some caffeine for a kick! This was not the listed stop, but one we always use. Free water and warm bathrooms. John and I were planning on going around Corona on another route. But with the large gruppo, we decided on using the routeslip route through town. As we passed, Amy and Mike Shaw just had stopped at Shell Station and rushed to join up. As we went past the listed Control at 7-Eleven downtown, they looked surprised as they had to stop. Never did see them again.
Riders on SART |
Further down the road leaving Corona, we did ride up on 3 older PCH randos doing their OC 300 Brevet. Wow. They were waaaay back and were going to have a long night ahead to finish. It's a real long haul from Corona to Temecula and not John's or mine fav. section. John saw a Brevet Card in the road and told me. I said "Are you sure?" Yes!!! I turned around and rode back. It blew across the road and I waited for traffic to clear and picked it up, being a good guy. They were long gone at 19 mph. I could just barely see them ahead as we approached Wildomar. I slowly caught up. I gave John the Brevet Card. NADA!!! It was a look-alike piece of paper with some do-dad stuff printed on it! Thanks John! Big waste of energy for me. John pulled off a good one. Entering Temecula, we opted to stop at 7-Eleven/ Carl's Jr. instead of the listed Shell Station. Most riders put on another layer, as I mentioned we had 10 miles of downhills ahead. John la-de-dah'd for a bit as we finally persuaded him to get going. Little climb up Rainbow Canyon and onto Old Hwy. 395. This Bruce guy, turned off over I-5 to the Weigh Station and we had to yell him back on course. Jeff Cole had a flat just before the Champagne Blvd. climb. I went back, the group stopped and I suggested they go on and regroup. We caught up to the last rider at the top. Just before we got to Wendy's Escondido Control, George Vargas rode toward us, wrong way, looking for Amy Snyder. I said she was 20 miles behind. He took off.
Light chit-chat at last Control and I put on my wind jacket and pulled up my neck tube. Actually, nice toasty ride to the finish 45 minutes away. Bruce Shank took off just before Rancho Santa Fe. He finished only 2 minutes ahead of us. John and Robert mentioned "What was all that about?" Our gruppo all got the same time. Tim Sullivan at the finish, checking Cards. I went over and chatted with Bruce on being a nice rando and not a racer, since we helped him all through SART, etc. Several riders indicated it wasn't a good Rando protocol. We finished well before 8:00 PM.
I was a little tired when I got home, ate, soaked in my usual Epson hot bath and watched weather on TV before dropping off to sleep. Did my usual "recovery" ride on Sunday AM, spinning on Inland Rail Trail.
Good ride, nice company and no rain! It was a little cool for SoCal!