52F under clear sunrise when we arrived at Pine Valley before the 7:00 AM start. I rode out with rando John from Carlsbad. He was riding his trusty Riv and I my Schwinn Madison single speed. Large group of riders had assembled in front of Majors Coffee Shop, around 25. Quite a few new faces to me and many familiar riders too. Greg Olmstead rallied the troops for the pre-ride instruction, as RBA Dennis Stryker was doing the ride.
John climbing Kitchen Creek |
The race was on up the immediate first climb from Pine Valley. By the time we reached the manned control @ Cameron Corners, we were stretched out for miles. Rode most of the climbing east along Hwy. 94 with Andrew, Dave Horwitt and John M. Met Drew Peterson leaving Jacumba and managed to cross over and get a quick shot of him. Steve Elliott and wife set up the Jacumba Control in the shady porch of a building. Nice to load up on water and ice there. Good job!!!
Started the climb back west with John M., Dave Horwitt and Don Parsons. Slo going up to the Acorn Casino turn and then quick work of the downhills to Kitchen Creek. Temps in the 90's now as we refueled at Will Cronyn's car under the I-8 overpass before the climb. Tim Sullivan, Don Parsons, John and myself started up the early double digit Kitchen Creek climb. Part way up we stopped to suck some air and Don put some air in his slo-valve leaker. It was still warm as we turned on Sunrise Highway toward the Laguna Control at the store.
Julie Stokes was signing cards at the Control. Also Dennis Stryker and Will Cronyn showed up too! A couple of colas later we were off to some tough rollers on the way to Julian. Great views on the road looking down to the Anza Borrego Desert. The route goes through Julian to the Red Barn in Wynola. Greg O's car was parked under a nice big shade tree and loaded with ice and water. Whew!
German tourer on loaded bike |
Along the reverse course toward Julian, we came across this German tourer on a full loaded Kuota bike. He was sitting in the shade under a tree just before Julian. I took a few pictures of him and finally caught up to the group. A few more climbs and we were over to Lake Cuyamaca and the great downhill on Hwy. 94 through Cuyamaca State Park. Welcome final downhill into the finish at Pine Valley, where Julie was signing off cards. I rode over to the famous Frosty Burger and got a choc shake. At 5 buck$ this thing was a joke. It had so much chocolate in it I got near sick. This place charges 2020 prices NOW! Never been back!
Overall a good day on the road. Met lots of new riders I never saw before. Don't know if they are randonneurs or not. We finished up the ride in around 10hrs and that wasn't too bad with all the picture taking and chatting going on.
Hi-lite video of the ride is on