Recovery ride from what? Sounds good, so I'll use it. I had planned to do a shorter ride today (Saturday) or tomorrow, maybe with Keith Olsen. Things got moved around a bit and I decided to head out today at 0600. By the time I got things in order, the SOMA loaded up and the ride over it was 0620. I had one active bottle on-board and another with only dry powder in it (add water and ice later, if required). Got some new white socks made mostly of acrylic with some spandex and
cotton mixed in. They were lower cut than I normally wear, so thus the
white ring around the ankles. Packed the SPF-50 on that.
Revolution Bike: Lite rust on new bikes displayed outside! |
Headed north on Mulberry in spin mode to loosen up. Did my lazy stretches at home earlier, but I'm sure this wouldn't hurt either? Met one Rancho Club rider climbing Champagne. Must be riding to their Escondido start on Via Rancho Pkwy at 0800? Temps were really nice for just a jersey and shorts. Pulled into the Bonsall McDonalds to an overflow crowd at 0730. Can't imagine they get their nutritious breakfast there? No ice in the machines, so went next door to the trusty AM/PM for a 40 cent receipt and some crushed ice. Rode westward at a comfortable pace.
New road surface on Hwy. 76 from Melrose in. Too bad they missed the bike lane and left a ridge there instead! Light activity on the SLR as I paced along at my normal 17 mph with what seemed like a tailwind? No riding buddies this trip, but lots of riders around. The Velo gruppo was meeting at the College Ave Park for their weekly Saturday 0800 ride. Rode along Pacific Street among bike surfers hoping to catch the perfect one. Ocean looked choppy today.
NCCC riders regrouped at Swami's today. |
Met up with this rider again on a blue 2-year old TREK. Rode with him before. He starts off Melrose in Vista, goes north to the SLR then does his 30 mile loop on Coast Hwy. and back east on Palomar Road. He usually complains about the joggers in the bike lane and the drivers near misses! Rolled down the coast as racer groups blasted by. Heck, I was cruising along at 19 mph too! Stopped at the Encinitas 7-Eleven for a ice refill and a Reese Piece. Getting ready to leave and noticed the NCCC riders coming by. Jumped on the SOMA and joined up for the ride to Swami's.
Chatted with Tony Long and the other NCCC riders, catching up on recent events. They were waiting for Rando Robert Abraham to ride in with the rest of the group. Dee Wells and a bunch of other OFR Thursday riders were there too. They all sort of hang out together. Robert never showed up yet, so I hit the remodeled head and rode south. I missed asking Robert about his HOT Palomar Mtn. Brevet last Saturday. (He later emailed me and said I missed a hot ride! He did fill me in on some details. We did miss the hot Palomar climb by leaving 2 hours earlier! I may be old, but still sharp?
NCCC Wild Animal Park Tony Long |
Lots of riders now along the coast. I did stop in at Revolution Bike in Solana Beach to check out their Fargos and MTB/s. This is Keiths fav. place. They had a blue newer Fargo with solid front fork. The one next to it had a rusty cassette and chain! Nice! Guess they must leave them out all day long. Also checked out a few BMC MTB's they had. Tire had weather-checked cracks in them and rusty cassettes! Must have got caught in the rainstorm last week. Maybe you could get them for a "used bike price"? And to think OFR Bruce Tipton just bought his new Focus AG2r Team bike there with full Campy Record 11 spd! Bet that wasn't rusty.
Headed south and over on the SR-56 Bike Path. Lots of action there. Banana and Gatorade set up at Camino Del Sur. I think the Mobil Bike Repair sets that up each Saturday. Real handy and 3-kudoz to them! No riders to hook up with to Rancho Bernardo via the climbs. I chugged along with just enough effort to keep my thighs for burning. Made it around to the Inland RAil Trail for a few miles of headwinds back to the finish. Bought some CC Cookies for finish receipt to take home. Got home before noon to watch some college football, maybe?
Basic ride stuff today. Maybe a 2/5 for the spinning warm up and ride along the SLR. Thought about riding with Keith tomorrow, but decided to take a few days off riding till my normal Tuesday ride somewhere interesting?
cloudy skies all ride,
Hi: 78 Lo: 67
81 miles
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