Garmin Stats from training ride today. |
Early AM fog as I rode over to the 7-Eleven start. Out visiting his SD family, Wayne King from Atlanta Randos would be joining us on the route today (Or should I say, we would be joining him!). Keith Olsen came up from Point Loma to join in the fun along with new rando John Fry, who rode up the hill through the fog early. I arrived early and riders were ready to go. Freebie handout of a 2-pak of WD-40 Bike Lube to riders first. These are handy little ampules to carry along in case you need an emergency lube job on your chain. With the damp conditions today, we may need some later on. Riding "free-spirit" on this permanent.
Sun was well up as we rolled out before 0700. We didn't see it as the marine layer reached far inland today. Lots of small talk as we followed the route eastward and then a few little climbs over to Del Dios Hwy. Group encountered long lines of traffic as we worked our way downhill past Lake Hodges dam. Wayne's sister lives right off the route near Rancho Santa Fe, but wouldn't be cheering us on as she is home-ridden with bronchitis! John and Wayne were far ahead and waited up for Keith and I in Rancho Santa Fe town. A few rollers took us through light traffic over to the coast. Group opted for a non control stop at the donut stop today, but instead quick paced up the coast and made a familiar stop at Swami's Park in Encinitas instead.
Keith, Kelly & John at Doheny Beach |
I stripped off my reflective vest and packed it away neatly on the front HB bag. Others took off some outer-layers too. After a refill at the local low pressure water fountain, we were off northward. Not much traffic to notice as the group switched off lead pace through the coastal cities. Wayne start to take a few pics of the surf as the sun was peeping through now. Met OFR rider Lisa as we rode on Pacific street past the O'side Pier. Per discussion, we decided to take I-5 around Camp Pendleton. Sorry, not to be as the "Bicycles Prohibited" sign met us a the on-ramp turn near the main camp gate. Not to worry, we looped over and entered Camp Pendleton, photo I.D.'s at the ready.
New surfaced Stuart Mesa Road greeted us as we proceeded through the base. Wayne had his camera out as I reminded him that photo taking on base was prohibited. However, we all seemed to have done at at one time or another! Met OFR riders, Mike Tull and later Mike & Nancy VonNueman as they were riding southbound. Obviously, they left the OFR group ride early. Pipe construction continues along Stuart Mesa Road. Traffic control stopped us 3 different times northbound. Each time we were held till the vehicles moved ahead first. At last, we exited through Las Pulgas Gate and rode northward on the Old Hwy. 101 Bike Path.
Tank tunnel ahead! I mentioned to Wayne that this was a great photo-op. He slowed and took a few snaps as we entered. Riding through the San Onofre Campground, I noticed another OFR rider stopped by a bathroom. John said the ride group was just ahead of us. Maybe we would meet up after all? Our rando group stopped at bathroom #1 for our last refuel before the turn-around at San Juan Capistrano. Northward ho along old 101 into a slight headwind with big Wayne doing the pulling.
Georgia Wayne King at Doheny Beach |
Per Keith's advice, we rode through San Clemente instead a side routes. Wayne wanted a photo stop at Doheny State Beach so he could "tease" his fellow randos in Atlanta with a instant post up. John obliged by taking his photo next to a few palm trees on the beach. After a short wind aided push along the San Juan Bike Path, we were sitting at Carl's Jr in San Juan Capistrano for our turn-around break. Ice cream was the main theme today, along with a sampling of fries. 20 minutes later we were back on the path westward.
Pleasant chit-chat riding back through the State Beach and up to San Clemente. Back on the bike path, we decided on a short trip to Trestles Beach. In the surfing community, this is a world famous surfing beach. Not much going there today. A short stop at the campground #1 bathroom again. After a quick tailwind bike path ride we were at Las Pulgas Road. This time we'd take the I-5 to Oceanside. At the underpass, we noticed a earlier repeat of the "Cyclists Prohibited" sign SB this time. OK, enough already. U-Turn back through Camp Pendleton. While verifying ID's at the Gate, I noticed 2 OFR riders, Dr. Dan and Bruce Tipton waiting around. We did finally catch the group!
Enter San Juan Creek Trail here. |
Joining up, the gruppo had grown to 6 riders. Only 2 traffic delays on the SB ride. Roads were in much worse condition with the new asphalt, gravel and construction equipment. We saw 3 other riders just ahead.. the last of the OFR group; Malena, Dee and Tom Bandy. Never did quite catch them as a flagman and a red light stopped us. Exiting the Main Gate, Wayne wanted another photo shoot at Oceanside Pier where RAAM starts in June. We said our good-byes to Bruce and Dan as we stopped off at the Pier.
Photos done, we backtracked to the San Luis Rey Bike Path eastward. Helpful tailwind now pushed us along at fast pace toward the last control at Bonsall. New trailside skate park was packed! Must be no school today or no one goes anymore? Arriving at Bonsall, Wayne hit the cellphone, I grabbed a cone for receipt, Keith opted for bottled choc milk and John filled his bottles. 15 minutes later we were tracing the RAAM route along Camino Del Rey
Nice tailwind on the San Luis Rey BP |
Last leg of this route follows Old Hwy. 395 for a short climb before passing Lawrence Welk's Champagne Village. This is the longest mild climb up Hwy. 395 to Deer Springs Rd. I mentioned to John the "normal" rando time check from Champagne Village Dr up to the red light is 12 minutes. He said he didn't want to race the clock, etc.. then took off ahead. Keith rode his pace and I backed off and rode with Wayne. His heavy bike and big size doesn't bide good for lots of climbing, but he said "There isn't a hill I can't walk up!"
Last climb of the day starts here. |
John said he made it up in over 12 minutes, Keith followed and Wayne and I were in over 14 minutes. Finally some downhill now on Centre City Pkwy before the turn onto Nutmeg Street. A short ride through San Marcos residential homes soon brought us back to the 7-Eleven finish. I grabbed a quick receipt, signed Waynes Permanent Card and said "adios" to John and Keith. John was riding back home in daylight and Keith back to his car at Albertsons lot. Me... I was riding west toward home. Good training day on the road.
Fog early, clearing later
Hi: 77 Lo: 51
Wind: NW 10mph
133 miles
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